I had a friend a few years ago that had a Maxima. He would drone ON AND ON about how awesome it was. It was a badge of honor for him to tell people he had a Maxima.
I had a friend a few years ago that had a Maxima. He would drone ON AND ON about how awesome it was. It was a badge of honor for him to tell people he had a Maxima.
I added this game to my Christmas list.
There is nothing appealing about this monstrosity, and this is coming from a Jeep guy.
So, you’d have to change your statistics from a quantity, or a percentage based on how many of each color is on the road.
So, you’ve never given your SS Number over the phone to a doctors office, or read your Credit Card number off to a delivery place over the phone?
Zero reported.
You must be new around here. GMG hates everything that isn’t obviously liberally inclined.
It’s adorable your entire argument hinges on the fact that you’re looking at delivery dates during the busiest shopping / delivery week of the year.
I fully support the aforementioned swoon.
You mean, like, what was sent to Jezebel?
Battlefield V wouldn’t have been an issue, had they not been bragging about the historical accuracy of their game and the stories the game was going to tell.
Well, I’ll have you know. I scratched my nose one time in a home video.
There are a lot of threats that say more about the person delivering them, than the target.
Burner counts are a thing, yo.
Yes they would. There are plenty of people with advanced degrees that don’t write or sound like a textbook all of the time.
This game is entirely forgettable.
You do know Millenials were born in 1982, right?
Nope. I’ve always had exceptional luck using the chat function. In fact, I use it almost exclusively. I’ve only had one encounter using the chat feature that was less than stellar.
I had the exact opposite experience: