
I know people will probably rip you for this, but I wholeheartedly agree and actually readded adblock plus to remove those images. Something like that seems to be happening consistently on these sites too: Thanks to infinite scrolling articles, I ended up with a naked woman on my screen on deadspin when I was just

But why do you have NSFW images of dudes giving each other handjobs on the recommended articles?

I’m so glad I live in a flyover state. No, you won’t change my mind about it either so don’t try.

As a former New Yorker now living in DC, I just want to punch you in the face for even complaining about the NY subway. You have no idea what a perfect model for reliability and timeliness the NYC/LIRR/AMTRACK/PATH system is compared to DC. Also, I would sell my body to have NY’s 495 traffic instead of our 495

Gawd, that is brilliant!

This is the world now. Where a company can put out an innocuous ad and, because the ad spread widely enough for a bunch of intentionally offended loudmouths to register their outrage, this company now has to immediately backtrack and apologize. For doing nothing wrong, only out of fear that these busybodies won’t

Yes, he is very wrong for not delivering a dissertation covering the breadth of the topic during this interview.

My god, the “famous person says something fundamentally supportive in an imperfect* way so let’s shit on him” genre has to die.

I’m a Democrat and pretty liberal, but taking our country back from WHOM? They’re Americans too.

If you weren’t so busy destroying the industry with your leaks, you’d probably have time to write one yourself.

I know

Will the non stop trump bashing ever stop or is it just going to be a non stop bashing the entire term? It’s really getttinh old seeing the New York post and daily news have a cover bashing him everyday.

Guess what, Terrell...

Trumps plan for Healthcare looked a lot like Obamas. Single payer.
Trumps plan for dealing with Hillary looks a lot like Obamas. No prosecution.
Trumps plan for immigration looks a lot like Obamas. Extend DACA.

In essence...your constant anti-Trump bitching is not only pathetic, but it

i simply cannot bear to read another katy perry story like this.


Welcome to KFC, may I take your HORDOR?

Seems like the place to put this:

It’s simple, regardless of whatever crap Nintendo tries to piece together, there is no “Zelda Timeline”. It is not a thing. Each game is a re-imagining of previous games, just like Mario.

How generous of them -_-