
I’m sure they’ll have an amazing life together.

Which he had, second to last paragraph he said he wants to repay groups and people that have helped him in the past.

I suspect it has something to do with the planes that were hijacked and flown into American buildings full of civilians.

Empathy doesn’t cost $400,000.

He made personal bad decisions, and he even said he’s had assistance from other groups and people in the past. Just not to the sum of $400,000.

I live in Northern Virginia, and while our homeless population isn’t as rampant as DC, there are definitely small camps that don’t move.

I don’t know, there are at least a dozen ways I could think to blow $300,000 in small increments that could substantially make my life noticably worse.

Being a veteran has no bearing on an individual making “Bad decisions” (emphasis, his words).

Yeah, not every character needs a sexuality.

Lmao. Yoda is also not in the movie.

Actually, I just read more and I genuinely think you’re dim now.

You’re pretty terrible at this.

You literally entered a prediction / spoiler article’s comment section.

Do you have a link to this?

You should probably specify the HOV lanes. From first read it looks like you’re saying unless you’re with someone else, you can’t be on any part of I66.

Not worth my time to play with the configuration tool.

There you go.

Thank you for your reply. Since you’ve demonstratively proved that you have nothing else to add, nothing to rebut, you’ve demoralized yourself to the point that you have to result to insults.

Neat...what does this have to do with paying people to touch your body?

Let me slow this down for you, since you obviously are having issues keeping up with the conversation: