
Most, if not all of the time. I don’t own a tablet, and haven’t replaced my laptop’s broken screen from 3 years ago.

They passed the “two girls talk to each other without discussing a dude” test.

Wait, is James Dean missing?

Can you imagine being the kid (criminal, person) that stole this? 27 years later, you’ve cleaned up your act, grown up and matured, have a wife and kids, house and some old classic in the garage of your own. Opening up your favorite car website and BOOM, there it is.

I’m with you. The rest of the commenters are nutters today.

Random question, but couldn’t this potentially be marked as “impersonation of a Federal employee?”

Because you take bomb threats seriously when it involves hundreds of civilians and innocent people.

You have an unusual way of looking at televisions.

Can you explain to me how this is “nightmare fuel?”

Hypocrites? It seems pretty much par for the course.

What other culture has a word that they try to keep exclusively for themselves?

It would be easier if this word weren’t in mainstream entertainment, which is ingested by the masses.

*Public figures singing a top-40 song, which is played millions of times a day across the world.

Beating the fuck out of another human being got Trayvon Martin killed.

They should be drawn and quartered.

Hold on.

Half of you would be celebrated as strong and bold, but the other will be publicly flogged for even thinking about thinking the word.

That seems to be a stretch of logic there champ.

The euro and yen are backed by a physical object that has real world value.

You probably shouldn’t be on any Gizmodo site then.