
What...the actual fuck... is wrong with you?

I forgot how terrible Thor used to look.

I’m not sure if you can’t spell, or you somehow think superheroes holding two objects together has something to do with Jesus Christ, or some other obscure reference to anything except the actor’s names.

Sounds like you’re less of a fan, and more of a “I WANT THINGS TO HAPPEN THE WAY I WANT OR THEY SUCK.”

It seems like you don’t understand what “click bait” is.

What is this?

What with this awful slide-show tool Gizmodo has been using lately?

“We want non-Skywalkers in the Skywalker Saga!”

I don’t know that Prince Xizor is the most obscure. I never read the comics or EU books, but I recognize the name. Mostly because Shadows of the Empire was a game and a toy series.

You should stop buying the ad-packs and the newbie packs. You’re always going to get stomped by a whale and lose interest.

His addiction to these in-game purchases lead his poor money management decisions.

Slot Machine: Put in money, hope to win a prize.

Thank you for sharing.

F2P isn’t an accurate descriptor when you have to pay $60 to get the game in the first place.

Shelves of Battlefront 2 say it’s predatory.

You just outlined the fucking problem with loot boxes.

Some hoarders have collections.

Loot boxes are not at all equivalent to physical collectibles. The only correlation is the stupid amount of people spend on them.

Then maybe you should read the fucking article instead of rushing to the bottom to post your half-assed comment.

Well shit, there goes my plans.