
Kids don’t get immunity just because they’re kids.

Of course not.

Lying to get “facts across” is just bullshit tactics. Give the facts, don’t make shit up. This is 100% how you discount any actual conversation about these topics.

Worse, would be to successfully launch, and then crash into some unsuspecting intelligent being or animal that is undeserving of being killed because of this guy’s idiocy.

download uBlock Origin extension, it’ll allow you to completely block specific scripts, including videos.

You didn’t assault enough kids.

People shop at JC Penny?

I’m sorry that Christmas falls so close to an Autumn Harvest festival.

Kids should be able to support their families as well.

Mass genocide would work as well.

Some group trivia app where you can WIN CASH PRIZES.

I met Weird Al one time at a concert, he was a super normal, nice guy. I even helped him and his band hop a fence into the venue!

Those are free games, not $60 AAA titles.

This is far from real talk, this is just your closeted opinion.

No, it really doesn’t.

How exactly do you contend that a member of the House of Representatives speaking out against something that is a current issue, is predatory politicizing?

Are you actually in support of paid loot boxes?

Sounds like normal working procedures for EA.

Honestly, the only person I know that’s “okay” with loot boxes, also wastes so much money at Casino’s on a monthly basis.

This is quite possibly the worst take I’ve seen in the comments section about this.