
So, I want to politely ask: What is the appeal of the G-Wagen to you?

BotW, due to it’s age. Odyssey just came out, so it’s still in the honeymoon phase of people jerking themselves off over it.

We’d have one last huge BBQ, finish them all off.

Then order things “without the bacon” it’s really easy. There’s even a person that will write that down and make sure it happens for you.

Just so I’m clear, it’s okay to identify as another gender, but it’s not okay to identify as another culture/race?

Doesn’t matter how large your party is, this is a great practice! As soon as people sit in a car the outside world fades away for them. It’s like their world just collapsed into a 50 cubic foot space with a steering wheel.

It’s always good to be self-aware, and aware of your surroundings and do your best to prepare for them.

Rule: Always stay at least one drink behind your boss.

It’s not about their personal conflict of whether they can “control themselves” or not, or if they can refrain from “acting like an animal.” It’s to combat accusations.

It’s the same reasoning men don’t like being around little kids alone. It’s self-defensive.

This one. That’s kind of why this has been in the news for the last few weeks. It’s unprecedented.

He wasn’t in his car when it was pummeled by the red Porsche, that’s the upside.

Nice sensationalism. You should write for the tabloids!

We still have porn and our hands, we’re okay with this.

So, Hunger Games?

Going after the hunters, eh?

Further proof that people don’t understand what the term “mansplaining” is.

Because there are women who take offense to such things.

“My least favorite has got to be this study about how men don’t give women life-saving CPR because they’re afraid to touch their chests?? Seems unlikely, but it was in The Guardian.”

They’re enraged because it takes an inordinate amount of time to unlock something for free, which in-turn inspires people to break out the debit card and buy the content instead of playing for a week to unlock a single hero.