
I have ads blocked at the root level, so those aren’t an issue for me.

Are you rooted?

You’re going to get (already received) a lot of replies arguging that you’re incorrect, “It’s the developers, not the fans.” and I can promise you 100% of those replies are from people who either haven’t played the game, or they haven’t played the game and are the same fans they’re trying to defend.

Seeing as the current model of Corvette isn’t Mid engined, this was never going to be mid-engined.

Maybe it’s functional? If it’s producing the downforce needed to keep the front in contact with the pavement, I think it’s probably here to stay.

It depends on what party receives the information, and what their political views are. Based on this, we will either sharpen our pitchforks and light our torches, or not.

I’ve gone through this in other comments, but this comment section is a joke so I’ll assume you didn’t see any of them.

It looks like every other M3 I’ve ever seen.

However the system’s name is “X Box One X,” therefore the X is part of it’s name, not just a designation after it’s name as in your examples.

X Boxen.

Because it seems like everyone that’s looking for “vanilla” is looking for different types of vanilla. They’re never going to release “Classic WoW” and satisfy everyone’s wants.

What is this exploit you speak of?

You’ll totally need to point me into some more specific direction regarding this total legitimate place to collect tokens, because frankly, I just want loot and shaders.

I -think- he means new a new reward if they win. Aka, the grenade launcher instead of the scout rifle we got last time.

Or, maybe they just old-fashioned followed her home and saw where she went.

You start the party with an empty dishwasher, and just put them into the dishwasher as the dinner ends. Close the door, out of sight, out of mind. After the guests leave, take the dishes out, pre-rinse, etc etc.

Ah, Montessori’s, the Amway of private schools.

Oh, and not the players themselves. If the stadiums / teams hired private security and prevented LEO’s from know what, nevermind. You literally haven’t read any other words I’ve written, why bother.

Now you’re just being ridiculous. I didn’t once assert that black people don’t care because of their protesting method, I’m merely criticizing the protests effectiveness and efficiency.

People aren’t discussing the problem, people are discussing the act of protesting during the Anthem.