
This may come as a surprise, but their intention is to make a lot of money.

Nor should overly judgemental people with childlike tendancies, but, here you are.

I came here to say something like this, only it wasn’t nearly as funny.

I went to plenty of grass roots small car and truck shows in the 90's and had never ever seen or heard of this.

Had it this weekend, it was subpar at best.

I just had a Domino’s pizza this weekend for the first time in...well, probably the last 10-15 years. And it was ... probably worth the $6 I paid for it.

She sort of looks like a young Jennifer Lawrence.

A lot of times, it’s both.

I’ve seriously never considered using my moderator experience as a resume bullet.

I moderate on a relatively small forum...and I can assure you there is more than 5 Russian porn posts a day. Lol

From the article: Even at HPX, I had to call out a few black girls who were “too shocked” and felt I was “putting them on the spot” by saying, “Girl come to the front! This is for you!”

I don’t like Bernie, but I think you’re taking his words out of context.

As the article points out, that’s not always an option, even if you are armed.

Like he said in his comment, it’s not the quantity of articles, it’s the quantity of “WTF is this” articles.

I love a brown or tan Wrangler.

Selling food stamps, welfare and unemployment checks.

If you somehow think you’re safe in Florida, you might be Florida Man.

See! You have my dog!!

Hold up. Seriously. That looks like my dog.

What did I just fucking read?