
For the most part, serious gun enthusiasts wouldn’t have an issue with waiting periods. There has only been one instance in my life where I “needed” a gun right away, and that was for an impromptu hunting trip and I didn’t have access to the right kind of gun. It was a no-go anyway, because I wasn’t dropping $600 on a


My firearms were mostly purchased in Tennessee, and there was also no waiting period.


But you can’t drive it.

Well damn. Right in the feels.

When I was much younger, and worked retail, I used to tell my friends to smile on occasion. It was usually prompted by people scowling or just looking absolutely defeated.

Younger adults aren’t buying them, because of a lot of reasons that are sourced at the manufacturer.

Thank goodness no one at Gizmodo EVER has typos.

This is the first I’ve heard of that. This might be a reason for me to buy an Assassin’s Creed game.


Your horse and buggy are going to get hacked and they’ll run your into a ditch. This will cause your butter supply to spill and then you’ll have nothing to trade for oil. At this point, you may as well hang yourself because without oil your family is going to freeze to death this winter.

I thoroughly enjoy my wife’s presence and her company.


It sounds like Naughty Dog and Sony are playing rules-lawyer with what happened.

You know, I was concerned people would be free to share their opinions (right or wrong) but thankfully we have you trying to police the internet.

Glad to see Gizmodo’s politics are making their way into AV Club.

Painters tape that has held on for 20 years...

I mean, if I owned a $15,000,000+ car, I REALLY doubt I’d drive it either.