
This is typical rich assholes doing typical rich asshole things.

I just need this movie to do for Carol Danvers what the Iron Man movie did for Tony Stark, which is wash the stank of Civil War 1 and 2 off Carol.

Cube. This is Cube.

I’m sure they would hold their heads high while cops put hundred bullets in them for being violent and threatening.

Damn, woman, you know what to do!

Not only is this asshole racist, but he extorted the kid, too. Alan Maloney knew the kid wanted to wrestle, wanted a chance to win, and that wouldn’t happen as long as Maloney had the power to take that chance away from him. Alan Maloney needs to be fired.

Florida really is the swampy crotch of America.

That essay is bunk. If Priyanka wants to boosts her profile she could do a lot better than Nick Jonas. Jonas is an attractive man, don’t get me wrong here, but Priyanka Chopra is next level gorgeous and I have no doubt she’d be able to catch someone with more relevance and influence than a mid-ling pop artist.

Jemel Roberson was a better cop that night than the weak-kneed racists that killed him.

It’s always nice to come into these kinds of articles and read comments rooting for Heroic Rapists in prison. You know, the ones who only use their rape powers for revenge—oops—I mean, justice, because Heroic Rapist would never rape anyone in prison who doesn’t deserve it. In fact, Heroic Rapists are so valued

From what I understand Paul Walker broke no laws, however skeevy and inappropriate his interest in the girl was. Ultimately, I don’t care what Kristen Lee or anyone else has to say about the relationship. If Paul took advantage of the girl I want to hear her say it, otherwise every one else should mind their own

I’m sure it felt very satisfying in the moment to lay the smack down on that goober, but Price had to know there would be consequences responding as she did in public. Yet she risked her career by making a huge unforced error because some stranger had an opinion on the internet. So while I don’t think she should

I just finished watching the finale and had to come here because I knew the reviewer would tear David apart for raping Syd. And I was right. What a fucking hypocrite you are!

The fuck, Alex McLevy? Syd raped that guy! How the hell is the word rape not used once even though Syd raped someone? How the hell is Syd raping a guy not the fucking HEADLINE of this review?

I don’t buy Mattis or Ross being effective in this administration, but I can see why some might. Tillerson on the other hand is only level-headed in the sense he’s mostly keeping his head down and coasting until he can find a way to get his hands on the half billion dollars sanctions denied the oil industry, his true

And hope they don’t get murdered by the police afterwards.

Yeah, we hate kids being raped so much let’s set it up so more kids get raped!

So you don’t care about the racist, sex offenders rights? Fine. At least be aware if the perpetrators faces are made public that makes it easier for people (who will harass and god knows what else) to uncover the identities of the children who were assaulted.

Everything about your post makes you sound deranged.