
I just wanna know where’s Ward?

I’m sure it felt very satisfying in the moment to lay the smack down on that goober, but Price had to know there would be consequences responding as she did in public. Yet she risked her career by making a huge unforced error because some stranger had an opinion on the internet. So while I don’t think she should

Good to see rape is finally a crime to this reviewer.

I just finished watching the finale and had to come here because I knew the reviewer would tear David apart for raping Syd. And I was right. What a fucking hypocrite you are!

While you’re fucking off go fuck yourself.

Seriously. Fuck. Off.

Just fuck off.

Seriously, fuck you and your condescension.

He winks at her and she gets to fucking rape him?

The fuck, Alex McLevy? Syd raped that guy! How the hell is the word rape not used once even though Syd raped someone? How the hell is Syd raping a guy not the fucking HEADLINE of this review?

Wish I could give you all the stars.

I don’t buy Mattis or Ross being effective in this administration, but I can see why some might. Tillerson on the other hand is only level-headed in the sense he’s mostly keeping his head down and coasting until he can find a way to get his hands on the half billion dollars sanctions denied the oil industry, his true

And hope they don’t get murdered by the police afterwards.

Yeah, we hate kids being raped so much let’s set it up so more kids get raped!

So you don’t care about the racist, sex offenders rights? Fine. At least be aware if the perpetrators faces are made public that makes it easier for people (who will harass and god knows what else) to uncover the identities of the children who were assaulted.

Everything about your post makes you sound deranged.

I never forgave her, or Tony, for original recipe Civil War so, no, Marvel can go kick rocks. It’s gonna be a long time before I care about Carol any time soon.

Sarah Snook is amazing in the movie!

I always thought the PM in The National Anthem should have turned the situation more to his advantage. He could have ask for anything and no one would blame him since there was no way he was going hold office or a decent job ever again.