
No. Heisenberg is gold. I could never do what he does. Like that one comment where he complains about how Louie has too many "eccentric" women on it, or that other comment where he complains about how Louie has too many eccentric women on it. Or that comment where he's weirdly fixated on Louie's "puppy dog eyes". But

I would be totally ok with Louie's line of reasoning there if it weren't for the fact that he has kids. I mean, you could buy your kids a puppy and give it away after a month to teach them about transience, but should you? Shouldn't you just get one of the many, many puppies that don't come with a one-month expiration

I think Janet kind of had a point though, in that he's inserting this random woman into his daughter's lives that doesn't speak English and is leaving the country forever soon. I think she sees it as being more understandable if they're fucking, or if he's going to try to get her to stay, because at least then it's

I think you're doing a good enough job making yourself look like an asshole without any association needed.

I loved the way it was all in one breath, so it petered out towards the middle and the yelling at Hannah basically turned into her talking to herself. Such a nice realistic touch. Really superb acting.

They were both using each other. It's what lonely people do. Marnie was proving to herself that her charms are irresistible no matter how she acts. Ray was proving to himself that his analytical mind gives him power over women. Ironically, neither recognizes the other one's motive, or the deep-seated loneliness in

Girl on Guy with Aisha Tyler. Not solely black comedians/entertainers, but those ones are usually the highlights. ?uestlove and Wayne Brady were two of my favorites

I just don't see how they could give the White's 9 million, drug money or otherwise, without it being seized by the government and/or ruining their reputation, which again may have been Walt's plan. Waiting the 10 months til Flynn's 18th birthday wouldn't do anything either, the story of Walter White would still be

Dunno if this has been brought up yet, but does anyone else think there's no way in hell Flynn is getting that money, and maybe even Walt knew that? That his real plan was just for them to live in fear for the rest of their lives? I just don't see any scenario in which the law is just totally cool with Heisenberg's

After basically scoffing at Walt's naivete in thinking he could bargain for Hank's life, that was such a satisfying way to show his utter hypocrisy. I loved that it also showed how he couldn't fathom that Walt would be doing this for anything other than greed.

Pretty sure the police will be protecting her now.

YOU suck.

You don't have to be a purely evil one dimensional sociopath to still be evil. Evil can be multidimensional and tragic and still be evil. Walt wasn't evil at the beginning of the show, but through his own willful choices, he became evil.

I'm not really sure what point you're trying to make then. From a character motivation standpoint, yes, it makes sense why Walt did the things he did. From a moral standpoint, what he did was evil. What defines someone as being evil, is that they do evil things. Is a child molester not evil because they were molested

I just wanna say, FUCK AMC/the FCC for bleeping Hank's "fuck". Violent murder? Go ahead and depict that on television. But naughty, unchristian curse words? THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!1

It's a nice theory, but it falls apart at point D. If Walt's plan in that moment was to vacuum his whole family out of ABQ, there's no way in hell he'd ever risk going back to save Jesse. He clearly prioritizes his own family over Jesse. If he is coming back for Jesse in the flash forward, it's only because he has

Funny how your absolute misreading of Donna's review led you to write this post. Donna is saying that is what Walt wants Jesse to think, not that that is actually how Walt has always felt about Jesse.

How about giving Jesse over to Jack and approving of his torture? Lemme guess, Jesse "deserved" that for snitching on the great Heisenberg. It amazes me the lengths people will go to justify Walt's behavior, while simultaneously cutting Jesse absolutely no slack. Giving Jesse up was pure evil. Taunting him with Jane's

Remember when Walt got drunk and told Hank to keep investigating him because he was butthurt Gale was getting all the credit? Dude's not exactly a criminal mastermind. All you have to do is poke at his bloated ego and he pops. Props to Jesse for figuring this out and using it against him. He out Heisenberg'd

He still thinks he can prevent Jr. from finding out. Uprooting your family and moving out of state when you have a successful business, a home, and family in Albuquerque isn't really the kind of thing you can lie your way out of.