
They've been hinting that her deal with the Czechs isn't really something she can get out of. Todd picks up on this when he offers to have his uncle "talk" to them. She's being threatened, that's why she needs the quality up so badly.

My current theory as to how Hank survives:

That is what I am desperately hoping is the case, that Hank isn't actually a huge dumbass who prioritizes gloating to his wife over his own safety, and already had backup on the way. But I'm trying to come up with a scenario in which Hank lives and Walt evades capture, and so far I got nothin. Gomie dies, Hank is

I get it as a plot device and as a character moment for Hank, but the subtext to me read like, "Oooh, everyone loves the ACLU, but look, their efforts can stymie police investigations that lead to the capture of mass murdering meth kingpins, maybe Big Brother ain't so bad after all", and I really hate that type of

People do stupid things when they're panicking. Happened to Gus with Hector. Interesting parallel there in that Gus was too blinded by his panic/pride to realize Hector would NEVER rat, whereas Walt is too blinded to see that Jesse would. Also, Gus's mistake was wanting to kill his rival by his own hand, Walt's

Hm, reminds me of someone.

I hated that. Felt like a very clear "liberty sacrifices security" type of message.

That scene just got a lot more poignant considering it was a genuine laugh from Meyers reacting to an ad-lib by Carvey. Mike Meyers may be a petty, jealous bastard, but even he had to give it up for that line.

THAT is the flashback episode I most want to see, the day Marceline got bit.

I've definitely read the Wikipedia article on the arquebus at some point, and knowing that Adam Reed also had the impulse at one time to read about the first firearms and how they changed warfare makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Yeah, I definitely saw it as the ancestor to the candy people, mutated gum that is starting to gain sentience. It reminded me of the fungus in the Super Mario Brothers movie.

What I'm actually saying is, AVC staff, in part due to the nature of their jobs, get way too obsessed with judging a show against itself, to the point that it makes them enjoy the show less the longer it goes on, which they then misinterpret as a decline in the show's quality. How can you laugh at Ron Swanson being

This article is so incredibly wrong, and speaks to the larger wrong-ness of the AV Club as a whole and what happens when you think about TV comedy way too much. The same wrong-ness that led to this terrible article:…

I think if he was trying to drive her away it was subconscious. It seems like Adam had a fucked up childhood that included some amount of neglect/abandonment, and emotional and possibly sexual abuse, and as such he doesn't really know how to be close to someone in a healthy way. I think this is about as "normal" as

I think if he was trying to drive her away it was subconscious. It seems like Adam had a fucked up childhood that included some amount of neglect/abandonment, and emotional and possibly sexual abuse, and as such he doesn't really know how to be close to someone in a healthy way. I think this is about as "normal" as

There was a preview scene on Fallon tonight before Allison Williams' segment. I won't spoil anything, but yeah, looks like Charlie comes to his senses.

The show reveals Ray's BS before the fact in the scene where he is talking to Marnie about how Shosh is flirting with a guy at the party. He's worried she's being weird because she's being unfaithful, and when he learns she has been he pretends everything is cool as long as it didn't mean anything. Basically just gave


I fucking knew it.

"This is high school sports, I'm a former high school athlete guys!"
"Yeah you were good! You sorta peaked in high school."
"Oh man, didn't we all though?"
"Yeah. Yeah we did."