
Wait, I thought it was a reference to the firefighters and other people who got sick from all the ash at ground zero? He says he looks sick, not ghostlike, if it were the latter it would change the whole tone of the joke and be pretty tasteless.

Wait, I thought it was a reference to the firefighters and other people who got sick from all the ash at ground zero? He says he looks sick, not ghostlike, if it were the latter it would change the whole tone of the joke and be pretty tasteless.

McGee, I don't know how else to say this, but your sense of humor is incorrect and your analysis is often completely off-base. This is gonna be a long, painful series of reviews if he keeps this bullshit up.

McGee, I don't know how else to say this, but your sense of humor is incorrect and your analysis is often completely off-base. This is gonna be a long, painful series of reviews if he keeps this bullshit up.

Sociological impact.

Sociological impact.

What a silly idea, reviewing a show instead of giving plotpoint-by-plotpoint recaps! How else am I supposed to remember what I just watched? Use my short-term memory or something? Pff!

What a silly idea, reviewing a show instead of giving plotpoint-by-plotpoint recaps! How else am I supposed to remember what I just watched? Use my short-term memory or something? Pff!

Hot Tub Foot.

Hot Tub Foot.

Lead guitarist actually! I always knew him more as Pinsky from Salute Your Shorts than Joey the Rat. What's weird is Blake Sennett and Jenny Lewis both ended up being important nostalgic touchstones in two totally separate times in my life, early childhood and high school.

Lead guitarist actually! I always knew him more as Pinsky from Salute Your Shorts than Joey the Rat. What's weird is Blake Sennett and Jenny Lewis both ended up being important nostalgic touchstones in two totally separate times in my life, early childhood and high school.

Shh! Mr. Feeny, not even Topanga know that!

Shh! Mr. Feeny, not even Topanga know that!

I've been waiting for pop culture to transition from 80s references to 90s references for ten fucking years, and this show is like like sweet sweet nostalgic nectar. I just hope we don't go overboard with it ala Family Guy. Ah, who am I kidding, after countless diatribes about how pop culture references are the lowest

I've been waiting for pop culture to transition from 80s references to 90s references for ten fucking years, and this show is like like sweet sweet nostalgic nectar. I just hope we don't go overboard with it ala Family Guy. Ah, who am I kidding, after countless diatribes about how pop culture references are the lowest

Killing Gale was absolutely necessary for his survival, so I don't see it as that immoral (relatively of course). He killed Jane (yes killed, he pushed her onto her back) just for making a vague threat at stealing Jesse's half and running away. Gale was fully immersed in the meth game and he had no choice, Jane was

Killing Gale was absolutely necessary for his survival, so I don't see it as that immoral (relatively of course). He killed Jane (yes killed, he pushed her onto her back) just for making a vague threat at stealing Jesse's half and running away. Gale was fully immersed in the meth game and he had no choice, Jane was

Just reading that cracks me up. This show doesn't get enough credit for being fucking hilarious.

Just reading that cracks me up. This show doesn't get enough credit for being fucking hilarious.