
I get what you're saying, but I still feel every episode and season happened exactly the way it had to in order to serve the greater arc of the show. yeah the scenes in the Shire and Tatooine are kinda boring but they are needed to establish character and to make the whole journey that much more epic in contrast.

I get what you're saying, but I still feel every episode and season happened exactly the way it had to in order to serve the greater arc of the show. yeah the scenes in the Shire and Tatooine are kinda boring but they are needed to establish character and to make the whole journey that much more epic in contrast.

Can you review the show instead please? I barely come to the AV Club for the actual articles anymore, the comments sections are always where all the good insight/analysis takes place. I have no idea why the AV Club is apparently the one website on the internet where the commenters are more thoughtful than the writers,

Can you review the show instead please? I barely come to the AV Club for the actual articles anymore, the comments sections are always where all the good insight/analysis takes place. I have no idea why the AV Club is apparently the one website on the internet where the commenters are more thoughtful than the writers,

The AV Club: helping you enjoy things less for reasons you didn't know you were supposed to care about.

The AV Club: helping you enjoy things less for reasons you didn't know you were supposed to care about.

As someone who lives about 15 minutes away from Lake Minnetonka, it always cracked me up just to hear Dave say that on TV. Shit in Minnesota has the most ridiculous names.

As someone who lives about 15 minutes away from Lake Minnetonka, it always cracked me up just to hear Dave say that on TV. Shit in Minnesota has the most ridiculous names.

I know they often start reviewing shows based on demand in the comments sections, so I'd like to officially cast my vote for Workaholics to be reviewed by the AV Club. Also, if the problem is not having a person to review it, I'm available, and have no idea how much AV Club staff gets paid. Just throwin' that out

I know they often start reviewing shows based on demand in the comments sections, so I'd like to officially cast my vote for Workaholics to be reviewed by the AV Club. Also, if the problem is not having a person to review it, I'm available, and have no idea how much AV Club staff gets paid. Just throwin' that out

I think the creators and producers of kids shows have gotten way too sensitive and uptight to the idea that their content may scare kids. In fact, I'll even go a step further and say that in a context such as television where the child is completely safe, scaring kids is actually often a good thing. It helps them grow

I think the creators and producers of kids shows have gotten way too sensitive and uptight to the idea that their content may scare kids. In fact, I'll even go a step further and say that in a context such as television where the child is completely safe, scaring kids is actually often a good thing. It helps them grow

Which is kind of ridiculous when you're being paid to review Archer. It's like two and a half hours, Todd.

Sciron! teeshee!

Adam Reed will always sound like Xander Crews in my head. And Ray will always sound like gay Xander Crews, which is fine by me.

Yeah, whoever this [AF] guy (OR GIRL) is they've got reviewing the Best Show seems to "get" the show a lot more than Diamond did, so I'm happy about that. And while I love Gary, I like Vance more, I think because he seems like more of a real person rather than just an obvious character. His exasperation with Michael K

The speculation was that the name change from "Comedy Death Ray" to "Comedy Bang Bang" was because Scott and BJ both owned the rights to the CDR name, while the podcast and Earwolf network were entirely Scott's thing. That doesn't necessarily mean they were feuding, Scott could have changed the name simply out of


For me it's the scene right after where she is crying face down on the bed and starts talking about going back to school. Even though they make up, I didn't feel it was fully resolved, she seems to be kind of right that her life as a suburban housewife that can't even express herself through cooking creative meals is