
@avclub-a70cb8d32da253be008115c7990c0547:disqus, I have to say that is pretty spot on. On a recent episode of You Made It Weird, Pete Holmes was discussing "alt-hack", and every example he listed made me think of Hardwick, especially the crutch of "ironically singing your punchlines" which he does CONSTANTLY.

So now they're trying and failing to be MF DOOM? What emcee will they do a cheap knockoff of next!?

sandy, why do you listen to the Best Show if you hate Tom? Like seriously, I don't get it. I don't like Marc Maron, so I don't listen to his show nor do I bitch about him week in week out in the Podmass comments section. I think you are the one that needs to get over it, no one is forcing you to listen to the show.

I just hope Jesse survives. I'm pretty sure Walt will die (and not from cancer) and I'm halfway rooting for it, but man, I just want Jesse to find some peace of mind.

S'all good, man!

That line was actually based off an actual quote by Romney when he was asked if he liked NASCAR. The Daily Show also did a bit making fun of him saying he likes "sport" instead of sports.

I agree with everything you said, which is why I stopped listening to the Nerdist and started listening to Professor Blastoff. Not only do they regularly have on professors and other real nerds/experts, but Tig, Kyle, and David are all funnier and have way better chemistry than the Nerdist hosts.

Tom said (real Tom, not Best Show persona Tom, I hope the AV Club will one day realize those aren't the same thing) that Paul was the one who ended the friendship and blocked him from Facebook and Twitter. I'm guessing it had something to do with their Evil Genius show disappearing into thin air. It really bums me

Jason Diamond continues his tradition of Best Show reviews that make a completely nonsensical point. Kurt Vile is a real musician who is friends with Tom and whose music Tom enjoys. Zack from Mit Hamine has quickly dropped all pretense of being nice or even cordial to Tom and now just whines and shamelessly plugs his

I LOVE that Adam Reed now has memes that appear in multiple shows of his. Are there any other examples of Frisky Dingo or Sealab running jokes that have appeared in Archer?

@avclub-5fb65350be15fcea2e2b52a11bc7a7ed:disqus I don't know, I don't think anyone who doesn't know Tom personally really knows, but I've pieced it together from some comments made on the FOT message board and things Tom said on Twitter, the fact that PFT hasn't called into the show in a really long time, and the fact

Apparently, he took five different drugs and started freaking out because people at the show knew who he was and were staring at him:…
I can't even imagine what drugs he took - weed, obviously, probably shrooms, but what else? Ecstasy? Nitrous? Acid? Honestly, I'm a little concerned for his

FFS, it's a TV show, not the end of the world. A small TV show on an obscure network that almost no one has that is easily ignorable. If you want to pontificate about TV that indicates the decline of the human race, go watch some Two and a Half Men, or any network television, really.

Yeah, I did not detect one hint of jealousy when Tom was talking about Louis C.K., he was just making a point that people overvalue and overpraise entertainment in general, and how it's hard for those entertainers to deal with all that ego boosting. And it was clear that what really made him sad about 2011 was the

Bromst was a masterpiece imo. It was leaps and bounds better than his previous work, the mix of analog and digital instruments made for a really interesting sound. I mean come on, how cool is rigging a player piano with hydraulics that read MIDI files so it can play fast enough:…

In my mind, there are two distinct types of entertainment designed for kids, there's the well-crafted kind that actually tries to approach things from a kids' perspective, and there's the cynical cash-in, marketing-oriented kind that realizes kids will watch anything and doesn't even try to be good. Examples of the

Professor Blastoff is extremely underrated. The most recent "Oceans" episode with the premiere of the "What's nuts" bit was just wall-to-wall hilarity.

Todd Glass and weed is an interesting dynamic. Sometimes it allows him to get unabashedly silly, usually when his guests are friends with similar sensibilities like Rory Scovel. Other times, usually when he doesn't know the guest as well, he gets way too self-conscious and can't stop analyzing if what is going on is

Everyone is so quick to judge and dismiss nostalgia that isn't specifically their nostalgia. If you didn't grow up listening to Weird Al, you're obviously not going to get it, but that's true of anything.

Hi, Tyler!