
Reported for Reporting..

Cheating? Or, you know, the more likely scenario that they help develop the game and accidentally left some of their developer tools enabled.

Just a funny mistake and some of them just are too serious bout meaningless things.

This is harmless and kind of funny.

overwatch’s lootboxes are not tied to progression though, these ones are. it’s a key difference. although i wouldn’t mind seeing loot boxes burn to the ground either.

His way is childish and anti-social. But my god, when you look at Twitch now it looks like a cam site now lol. It’s pretty pathetic. Both the streamers who do it and the ones who view it.

No but I bet it would only take opening 100 loot crates to get decent lawyer.

Has Activision looked into purchasing a weapons upgrade to fight this? Or what about a skin pack? Or maybe a map pack?

Whenever I see this analysis of the situation, it always feels like people are saying “I don’t care, so long as it doesn’t have an effect on me.”

They’re slot machines in everything but name, meticulously crafted to encourage player spending and keep them on the hook.

Nope. It’s not like being dropped by a sponsor at all. Because one case is about a sponsor, and the other is not. Dropping someone you’re sponsoring is withing your rights, filing a DMCA claim for a game you have given everyone permission to stream is not within your rights. DMCA is for copyright infringement, not

It says a lot to me that the majority of people upset by this seem more concerned with the possibility of losing money through loss of revenues than any social concerns. I’m done with Youtube.

I don’t understand your title here, how is it “Not that bad”? Its literally exactly that bad. Its worse and continues to get worse by the day and with each update. There is no casual enjoyment to be had in GTA Online anymore, it is either buy Shark Cards or grind the same boring missions ad nauseam for what amounts to

True, it is predictable. But I like the payoff it offers now.

I’m being judgmental.

I imagine they tried to shake down Universal, were told to pound sand, so now they are targeting Bethesda directly. Bethesda’s response will likely be something along the lines of “we don’t know and don’t care about your personal arrangements with Universal, we paid them. Bye.”

Millions of people still play Pokemon Go tho!

GTA Online just released the free gun running DLC so we probably won’t get any other major expansions for another 6 months. I’m having too much fun on my flying motorcycle to give a fuck anyways.

Who gives a shit about single player. There’s no fucking reason to play it once you beat the game.