Oh, wow, we finally agree on something, Doc!
Oh, wow, we finally agree on something, Doc!
Upgrade your grey matter, ‘cuz one day it may matter.
first deltron album was way more enjoyable to me than the second one. his solo stuff is amazing too as he is live. got to see him for free in athens georgia. his freestyles are sick.
Del was way too underrated as an MC. I feel like the video game community appreciates him more than the hip hop community in general, just because of how many great songs of his wound up in those late 90's/early 00's skateboarding games.
this is the best post that has ever been on kotaku or ever will be on kotaku
I apply the flow cannon...
It’s half Mozart half Bach, kind of a “Mach” piece.
[Conger] “we just blew our savings on hookers and blow. This doesn’t !look good on us.”
“Remember the mane!”
President Trump would have gunboats off Copacabana by now
Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.
“The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expan....blaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggg”
Acts of terrorism or violence aside, have fans ever died when the stands collapsed? Cause that seems likely here.
This is completely hilarious and will remain as such until someone inevitably dies
Hopefully the boy’s mother has a chance to speak at the 2020 DNC.
“Hortelano’s name shouldn’t be too unfamiliar to U.S. audiences; he competed at Cornell.”
That’s racist!
that should be the new leaver penalty
you can’t leave spawn until you make a basket