
Now this is more like it! Three different plots that I liked a lot, a great use of all the characters, (Courtroom Brown! "They changed these!") and a great mix of more emotional moments and hilarity (It's not a typo). This episode reminded me why I like this show so much. Good job New Girl!

I missed most of the first episode, but the second one wasn't so bad. Some good jokes ("Yeah three molecules at a time"), a surprisingly heart-breaking moment with Edna's passing, and the Sideshow Bob appearance was interesting, even though I think it got a little too fantastical, and I didn't enjoy it as much as

The thing with Family Guy for me is the the emotional moments NEVER feel earned. After years of having characters with little to no consistincy, it doesn't ring true when suddenly they're supposed to be dramatic, especially since there's always a dumb joke to undercut the situation. The closest they got was when Brian

This exactly. As much as I like this show, watching episode after episode focused on their relationship has gotten exhausting. It would be different if that was the main concept from the beginning, but there's an entire ensemble here, and a great one at that, so it's frustrating watching them either get relagated to B

Man Trophy Wife is on such a roll. It does the "quotable fast paced jokes" thing almost like 30 Rock, but it also has a surprisingly strong emotional undertone to its characters. Not too many current shows balance these elements well but Trophy Wife nearly always excels at it. I'm not usually a "keep telling people

I'm crossing my fingers so hard for a Trophy Wife season 2. I think it's one of the funniest shows on tv, but had I not started watching it accidentally I probably would've never gotten around to it. Flipping channels and randomly finding something great is a lost art.

Boy he sure must have BOUGHT that Oscar huh? Topical joke!

I was just talking earlier about how I kinda liked U2 and now that performance just made me feel guilty.

Not sure if I'm prepared for this yet. How many PB&J sandwiches should I leave out for the guests? Should there be atmospheric lighting?