
I can not argue your logic, and envious of your knowledge.

“I’m sure at this juncture, that all options are being discussed by the Chinese, South Koreans, and the US. I doubt any nation wants to get into a shooting war against each other over North Korea, which puts even more emphasis on coming to an understanding before it gets to that point.”

IF, “Fat Kim hits the fan”?

My first thought ! I’ll bet fat Kim said, “Damn it”, and killed another General for not being first. Sometime tomorrow, N.K. will post another glorious video of their superior awesomeness, for all the world to fear ! !

For the very first time, while my GF & I, relaxed after dinner, on the couch with our laptops before watching a Tivo’d show or movie... Has She ever shown any interest in FA !

In Russia, weather reports, , , You !

Not to Worry,

Thanks again, for another interesting article. Could You or one of your well informed followers please explain the Twin Island design ?

Thank You, for sharing one more of the F-35b's "Multi-Capable Strategic Abilities" !

You're Right, it is not an awesome video, and the choice of music, dropped it down another notch IMHO. I don't own a drone, ( just rc airplanes without video, and lacking the computer skills to do anything if equipped ! ) BUT, I would have started with a fly over, around, landing and take off, on "The Old Girl, Now

Again, I thank you Sir !

Not to put you down in any way, but. It is sad to see an"Old War Horse", going slowly away. I don't like She couldn't be save as a museum and being scarped instead. Sadly most of the "Scrap Steel" will end up overseas, to build more "Discount Value Products", at your local retailer !

Thank You Sir ! Your Volunteer work shows more Patriotism than any other "Average American", ex-service or not. History, whether good or bad must be preserved ! We can either learn, from our past accomplishments, and failures, or We will be doomed to repeat the latter, Again !

F-35B ? (sorry, couldn't pass up the joke. )

Well, then isn't it time We get around to building the "Sea View" ! ( Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea ) With of course the "Flying Sub" !

To be a paratrooper belongs only to true patriots !

IMHO, this article failed to show it was done with a Self Contained/Powered Mobile Unit.

And also a Thank You to FA for making it possible and letting us comment freely !

Is not Ukraine, , , Is Mykraine.

Lightning II ? They should have named it the Walking Eagle.