Volvo C30. Didn’t sell well new and no one looks to Volvo when they think of 2-door hatchback. These are fantastic, underappreciated gems.
Learn something new every day.
C5 Corvette. Being born in the mid 90's, it was the first car I ever understood as a sportscar, and the smooth styling has aged phenomenally. I think it’s retroactively become a middle finger to modern designs in that it’s such a good looking car without having a bunch of aggressive features. The shape itself is just…
Austin Healy Sprite
Why do you think head-on would be any different? Your main point - that modern cars are designed to pass more aggressive crash tests - IS the point of the video, not a repudiation of it. Heavier emphasis on engineering safety into the structure - whether with an overlap test or not - IS WHY THE MALIBU DID SO MUCH…
I find it to be a feature. Nobody asks if they can drive your car once they realize it’s a stick shift.
The point is “fun.”
I won’t allow any Most Wanted slander.
I still don’t get the hate for the C4. The styling may have overcorrected from the cartoon the C3 had become. But this generation of the Vette also started to get serious in the ways that mattered. This looks well cared for, and the aftermarket tweaks may not be to everyone’s taste, but they’re not egregious. NP.
Aren’t all Range Rovers salvage title once the warranty is up?
I wish the contrarians who voted NP would explain themselves
Why bother?
I’ve been commenting here for more than 10 years and I’m still in the grays. Do y’all just actively not want any more approved commenters?
This may be the cleanest, shiniest candidate I have ever seen for parting out and sending to the crusher.
Was it mufflers that don’t muffle? Crossing fingers.
I own a 2011 QP. a few minor annoyances (starting sticky buttons ect) but the real hiccup is maintenance and minor repairs if you aren’t willing to do it yourself. An oil change using appropriately spec’d oil is about $100 vs 4-500 if you take it to a dealer. All the maserati’s of this era have failure of window…