
This is Apple, bro; they’ll tell you what you need.

MLK jr would have thanked them as people, not for their gender or race.  This is the opposite of being “progressive”.  What it is instead is reductive.

Now that’s the liberal approach I recognize: Preach tolerance and other high-minded ethics, but undermine with 2nd-grade insults whenever possible.

As a Georgian, yeah, the Dem only won because the 2 main Republicans split the vote. I don’t think the Democrat stands a chance in the runoff.

Counterpoint: We’ve used the words “fat” and “fatty” since our kids were little in absurdist comic scenarios. I always thought it took the sting out of the word, just in case some moron actually said it to my little girl and I didn’t happen to be near enough to smite him.

If it’s server-side, you’d think they’d flip the switch for everyone.

Seriously. Or just get on with your life, even.

My foreign friends, fyi, I don’t know anyone who has every felt intimidated at the polls. My experience has always been people who are civil and smiling at one another. Then again, I’m from a rural area, and you’ll find that people are typically hospitable as a matter of course.

We once decided we’d include bobbing for apples at a big pumpkin carving party we have each year. First kid went face down into the water, and came up several seconds later, clearly having expended effort, with snot running out of both noses. Everyone groaned, and that was the end of the contest for that evening and

Maybe that and their knowledge on how to interface the parts actually available at the store with those in your homes, since standards and materials seem to change in plumbing like every 5 years.

I’ve never had a Facebook account. My wife did, and the Marketplace proved to be awesome. She eventually closed her account, which I seconded, and neither of us care a stitch about it.

I can’t get past it simply being a reminder that with daylight fading now in the early evening, our society decides to instead kick it off of a cliff.

Yeah, it made it hard for the Dems to build their case since she had a clean record and they are mostly bad at logic anyway.

Ha, I’m going to start throwing a “Black Women Am I Right” into my conversations and see how long it takes before I’m being burned at the stake on a Rachel Maddow show.

What a lot of words devoted to nothing.

Yeah, this. We have only had one video call since this began, and that was just to share a screen for training.

This sort of talk is just absurd.  As if masses of people are going to show up with guns to keep him in office?  Is this what Liberals talk about on Saturday evenings while holding a cup of tea?

There isn’t a phone that can touch the 4a’s offerings for its price.  $350?  crazy

Also, some good advice is to address the biggest financial issues. What you don’t want to do is focus on something that affects 1% of your finances, just because you’re more focused on it.

Just because Ginsburg “wished” it doesn’t mean anything legally. Justices don’t name their own successors. The Rule of Law should dictate it, and Ginsburg’s “wish” to supersede those laws just shows how out of bounds most Justices tend to operate.