You sound like a very logical democrat. Which means maybe you are in wrong party.
You sound like a very logical democrat. Which means maybe you are in wrong party.
Here is the appropriate decision tree:
I was with you until the Biden claim. That guy... he doesn’t set off your creep-detector when you see him dealing with females, esp. young girls?
to be fair... your “expert”, Fauci, admitted lying about the efficacy of masks so as to keep them in supply for medical professionals. Again, that’s like removing the safety railing from a dangerous curve so that you have metal for surgical scalpels when people end up wrecking.
who says she’s caricaturing anyone? freaking liberal mind readers, you people amaze me.
Look, we all appreciate your attempt to insert hard data into this discussion, but that has no place here. What folks are looking for is feelings. And if that isn’t sufficient, they’ll dredge up some tired label to give you or your argument.
Don’t follow these 2, but the guy rocking a full jacket while his girl wears a tank top tells me all I need to know about him.
Wait until the first debate. When Hillary had to respond to non-sycophants, she lost her composure and her factual track record didn’t help. She was used to the press doing her dismissing for her, but they weren’t on stage. Biden’s performance is likely to make Hillary look like a social butterfly.
She simply reflects the viewpoint of many people. It’s not that they believe the Dems are controlling the virus (I mean, look at their last 2 presidential candidates. It’s generous to think they’re in control of much of anything even in their own party). It’s that they believe the media largely works to undermine any…
Why do you think Apple had to “catch up”? Because these types of company exist. Btw, also funny that Apple catching up is considered to be a feather in their cap.
Looking good and feeling good are 2 goals that make sense for us humans. It takes quite a bit of ego to assume you know why someone is doing something, and certainly to judge them for the motivations that you assigned to them.
Like many, I also started with Swype and eventually moved to SwiftKey. It goes on every phone I’ve used since.
Steve Irwin was no a-hole. He was a conservationist and worked to protect animals. Geez, this article has brought out some ignorant commenters.
Man, don’t go down this road. You wouldn’t want whites saying it’s a “black folk” thing.
I think you’re overlooking the most popular “plan”, and the one that will serve to undermine the supposed point of delaying physical returns to schools, the Let Grandma Keep Them plan.
Your link to support this dubious claim is pretty weak sauce. You can’t point to some stats that essentially say more blacks, due to their life choices, get eliminated from voting, and then assume those black would have voted as Democrats. That’s the sort of prejudice we should all be fighting.
I’m pro-Dolly. And I’m glad she has remained in good standing with you. But...
One very interesting trend is seeing how unaware many directors and above are about the effect of this on workers. I imagine it’s because most of them no longer have kids below 14 or so, thus it just isn’t on their radar.
We’ve kept our kids’ bedtimes/wake routines pretty close to what they’d be for a typical weekend, which adds maybe 30-60 minutes to normal bedtime. We figure it helps with their development and our own.