
This car is so tacky.

The youths will love this design! Get Ocean Pacific on the line, we’ll do a special edition!

Jabba The Couch....

yet I imagine they have the support structure of a couch cushion


Naw, those were the Dexcool cars. This one should still be legit.

25 year old 3.1? Enjoy your lower intake manifold gasket leak.

ASC/McLaren also dabbled in Buicks with a little something called the GNX.

A gun rack? A gun rack. I don’t even own a gun, let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire rack.

And then what? So you can sit in your folding chair at a car show and brag to everyone how much horsepower your shitty-looking truck has? Going to a drag strip occasionally so you can collect time slips over and over?

Enzo Ferrari is alleged to have said ‘you pay for the engine everything else is free’. Reckon this is about right for this.

But when was the last time a DeLorean made it to 222k miles?

No just a poser ruining another poor defenseless car.

I voted NP just to humor you and the seller. It made me laugh to click on NP.

Hmmm... I’m going to try this today. Next person I sell a car to, I will ask for literally 10 times what the car they are looking at is worth. When they balk and or laugh in my face, I will explain, “Well, it’s because I want to buy a Ferrari.” And see how that goes for me.

You 2.8% who voted “nice price”, today is random drug test day.


Just hit you up, please let me know you got my message.

I’d like to buy a Gulfstream G5 and I have a ‘96 Chevy Tahoe with 305K miles for sale, asking only $2.3 mil for the Tahoe

After laughing so hard I broke three ribs, I then hit CP so hard I broke my mouse.