It’s called “Inovation” .... as in we are innovating humans out of every equation
Dat interior tho..... What color would you call that, fuchsia? lavender? purple?
Fantastic, as always!!!
My WRX is so godamn sensitive to knock that it oftens reacts to “false knock”, as they call it, Hard shifts, even a/c cycling cause it to pull timing! .... but I guess it’s better to pull timing (even if not needed) than blow the engine up
right, but what fun is that.
good find! I remember this
technology is just too good now! The amount of information that we can access at anytime/anywhere is just too much for most to resist. We have decided as a society to accept that rather than correct the behavior. Not saying it’s right
remember the good ole days? when you outlived your usefulness, they tossed you over a cliff
“turn the radio up, WAY UP!!”
No doubt. I get that, kinda like a new GM for a sports team.
Don’t you get how it works.... if Obama came up with it, Trump thinks it’s horrible.
That would never happen at a Subaru dealership..... NEVER
I prefer some miles on them. Cars need to be used/occasionally wrung out every now and then
yeah, I think you’re solo on that one
This is all part of his evil plan..... he’s playing the long game. It’s only a matter of time before he goes “Buffalo Bill” on you
was wondering the same thing......
“mulletted simpletons” were relegated to the older stuff, much of them couldnt afford the LS trans ams of later years... but Im sure some managed to get their on them and wreck a few.