
First of all, you need not tell me how I should categorize myself. I've built, engine-swapped, converted to manual transmissions, done suspension work, electrical work, body work, paint work — and then I've road-raced, drifted, autocrossed, and drag raced. And when things broke, I fixed them. This applies to the dozen

Just head on over to your local trash barge...

I agree with you wholeheartedly. Comments are half the fun of reading articles on the Gawker network. Before the Kotaku Fix came about, I didn't even bother to log in.

Lol @ midget hearse

Just to verify that it's working, I typed in slur, and got a 98.1% negative. Weird how that worked out, actually.

Btw — seems like the Internet has an overwhelmingly positive opinion about 'Spade'.

Quiet down, Maxx Cracker.

Being that it's Toyota, shouldn't it be Spayed?

Noice! — looks more like a Mercedes and less like a caricature of an overly happy 5 year-old.

Same. I love me some Hornblasters videos. Best one is where they were pulled over and hornblasted a cop. They must have pulled it from YouTube and their site though — StreetFire's the only place I could find it. it still has a fucking timing belt that takes a fortnight to change!

From the front they look like the A4...and the A5...and the A6...

Agreed — unobtainable cars are of little interest to me. Anybody with a near-unlimited engineering budget can design an awesome car and charge a shitload of money for it. For me, it's more impressive when engineers are trying to cram the most awesomeness they can into a $30K car that a real enthusiast — rather than a

Wondering why he left the motor in, since it appears to be pretty much undrivable. At first I assumed it was for the hydraulic pumps, but I don't hear anything but the orgasmic ground-humping, even with the closeup of the undercarriage.

Nobody's mentioned the HELLISH SOUND OF FUCKING CHAOS BEARING DOWN ON THEM. Not understanding how they couldn't hear that damn thing coming towards them. Neither of them flinched. all.

I got one of these for Christmas — a Caanoo — from ThinkGeek. The thing's absolutely amazing — touch screen, tons of options and customization, awesome built-in classic arcade games, a full-sized USB port for thumb drives and controllers, and the thumbstick in lieu of a d-pad is surprisingly effective. I think it's

This is passion for building a badass car, with everything else taking a backseat in engineering. Today, the passion is for safety and luxury, with being badass taking a backseat in engineering. Take that for what it's worth.


There you go — taken a few years ago, but nothing on the exterior's changed. :)