Gamecat, I realize that I never properly thanked you for the virtual gift of Stone brews on my COTD. Although I do attribute that to Gawker's new format and me being unable to log in for a week starting the day after!
Gamecat, I realize that I never properly thanked you for the virtual gift of Stone brews on my COTD. Although I do attribute that to Gawker's new format and me being unable to log in for a week starting the day after!
About the commenting system — download the Chrome extension called "Kotaku fix". It uses Javascript manipulation to put everything back to the way it was on all the Gawker sites (assuming you use Chrome...if not, then SOL).
Hey, at least you had an actual class! I had a pamphlet.
I'm not 100% positive, but I'm pretty sure that Florida enacted a law a few years back that if you're caught doing 30+mph over the limit, or street racing, that's an automatic impound and up to $10K in fines. I even vaguely remember that it entails losing the car permanently, but I'm too lazy to look it up.
It's wishful thinking, but diesel cars are pretty much a niche here in 'Murica. The 335d, for example, sold new for around $44K, while the 335i started at $36K.
Not really — that deployment had me all over the place in Iraq and Afghanistan looking for a job. The gist is that the personnel center realized that my position was obsolete after I arrived in Iraq, and I basically went door to door all over the middle east asking, "hi do you guys need help over here?"...because they…
They'll ask for $10K over the gas-powered equivalents, the cars won't sell well, and BMW will be all like, "see? Americans hate diesels!"
Looks to me like it cleared the cab from the front.
Cool swap — bet it cost a shit ton to do.
Went to Tijuana once and was downright scared.
I was in Kabul 5 days after this video was made!
#3 - Does anybody in China look where they're going?? It seems that most, if not all, of those collisions were low-speed and could have easily been avoided by looking least a little.
Rented a Nissan Altima with CVT. The transmission always has the engine at high RPMs and sounding wheezy — almost as if it had a completely ruined clutch. I will absolutely NEVER own a car with a CVT because of this, "simulated gears" or not.
When CVTs first came out, customers complained about the high revs and lack of shifting gears. In response, CVT engineers programmed simulated gears. The "WTF were they thinking" status is high.
I love shock humor. It makes stuff like this happen and the shock comic becomes more famous through public controversy.
That's the consensus. Luckily someone from Kotaku was keen enough to develop a fix called "Kotaku Fix", a plug-in for Chrome that works on all the Gawker sites. Install it and hit "Show classic!" in the comments section, and everything is back to normal, including image sizes.
To everybody that's tired of the zombie fad (incl. me) — don't check the App Store.
I'm not against that at all...and this car's motor is probably pristine and thus pretty painless to work on. And I love that.
It may not be as hoonable as a 240z, but it is a prime candidate for a clean LSx swap. Combined with the AC and upgraded suspension, this would be a very livable, very classic daily driver. And I could live with parting ways with under $20K for that. NP