
Definitely a clean swap — one that I would love to do with a high-mileage BMW, non-valuable BMW — but if you do this kind of swap to your car, it's either your forever car until totaled, or you're taking a huge loss.

It would have saved a lot of headache and controversy if they just called it "Lime Rock Orange". I wouldn't have given two shits about a Dakar Edition E36 M3, but a Dakar Yellow E36 want.

Guess I can't complain about that since I got my E36 M3 and E39 Touring each for about 10% of their original MSRP. Love that genuine German depreciation ;)

My sentiment exactly. Bravo, Mr. Caswell. And this is why I love Jalopnik.

All men ding her.

Ah, well then my apologies. You must understand where I came from though, plus the "whole sleazy dealership except one woman" line was pretty suspect.

Will Road & Track now feature the star system and project car hell, or uh...?

Out of all of the reasonable commentary above and below, this post stands out as a plant by somebody on the Colter side of this nonsense. The backlog of only 2 other comments made by this person in the last 3 days (possibly when notified Jalop would run their story) helps prove my point.

Just going to point out that there are two sides to every story. Anybody that feels wronged will try to put as much pressure on an alleged wrong-doer as possible, and anybody with more than a double-digit IQ in human resources could and would anticipate the backlash of straight-out firing a cancer-stricken employee

Highways are quite a bit different from runways in that runways have to withstand so much force when a 100-ton aircraft impacts the runway at X mph at a 3.5 degree decline, many times per day. Highways are built to endure the constant forces of traffic, but there are no large-scale impacts to the surface in a downward

My question is: why does she have to rent a Porsche in the first place? That's what us poor common folk do when we want to feel like a richer for a day.

They'd have to be 10 feet thick and even then would still be brittle. This is why asphalt is's somewhat elastic.

I'm as Jalop as anybody else around here, but come on guys, this is $500 worth of parts from a salvage best.

I get the huge margins, but given the number of people in the world who can actually afford the higher-end brands, they theoretically should not be as big as they are. The stories with people living beyond their means just to roll with leather, sat nav, and a brand-new German emblem kind of skew that perspective

How luxury auto makers are still so damned profitable is beyond me in this world's shitty-ass economy. I guess Audi can give it a shot, but maybe VAG should scale back Audi production and shift towards producing unbeatable cheap world cars at Volkswagen. Because that is an advantage that BMW does not have (yet).

...and may Science have mercy on your soul?

In related news, these spy shots of the facelifted Miata were taken near a corn field.

Yeah, I really hope the Gawker network does something to reverse the superfluous complexity of the comments system because it seriously detracts from an otherwise great network of sites. Remember when MySpace tried a little too hard? Do you even remember MySpace?

I think the irony is hilarious. Manufacturers invest in and tout all of this earth-shattering black magic security bullshit, and cars are still being stolen like in the good old days of connecting the starter directly to the battery.

I smell a new meme brewing