
It was Virgin Interactive that made the lion king and the Genesis Aladdin right?

I play on Ps4 so I dont have to worry about graphic cards. The only time I can say I got sick from a game was Resident Evil 7...I was being chased by Jack and kinda running in circles to escape. When I finally got away I felt so dizzy and had to stop for a bit.

More streaming sites should let you prepay for a year or so. I would rather just pay 1 sum at the start of the year like I do for my PS+ and Amazon Prime.

That cut scene was amazing and yes I have watched it multiple times too. I recorded it to show my friend since I’v been telling him about the game the entire time I was playing.

First thing you gotta know its an MMO, so if you dont like paying monthly that may stop you.

Amaurot is one of the best dungeons I have ever played. In normal FFXIV dungeons the area’s name would pop in the center in yellow text. In Amaurot instead of the name of that area, its like Emet is still narrating (“And lo, vile beasts did rise” / “Thus did the first doom befall us” etc etc). Such a neat detail.

Mostly the combat and some of the story. No blind fire from cover (i assume this was removed to make you use your time powers more) and just did not care for some of the characters. There were a few moments I loved (Littlefinger’s time travel white board, the woman that helps you who gets stuck in kind of a time loop,

So what does everyone think about this game? It is a buy now title or should I wait a bit? Loved Alan Wake and Max Payne but did not care much for Quantum Break outside a handful of moments.

LFG Deadmines!

Oh ya I have no reason to check out classic. 40 man raids were never my thing and I dont have the patients to sit in Stormwind, shouting that I need people to run deadmines.

And now your being a dick by misgendering. Good job.

From what I heard you can still use Bluetooth stuff on the switch lite, so pro controller should be ok.

Ya if they make it to WotLK and just stay there I would come back. Still consider it the peak of WoW.

So what is Blizzard’s end game with Wow Classic? Is it just gonna go through the previous patches and expansions?

My first was Echoes on the 3DS. Every battle was like the battle of the bastards on crack. 

I’m playing on Hard/Classic and maybe it was me but it had a weird curve. Started out hard, then got easier towards the end of part one/start of part two. Now that I am towards the end it’s back to being hard. I had some trouble but its nothing a warp + my OP Byleth cant handle. Seriously so many battles I ended

Oh ok. My Friend and I only do QP but for the most part we will try to fill in needs or will change mid match if not enough healers or a tank.

How does that work? Do you pick before you start searching for a match or is it when you select your characters?

I haven’t played in like 2 months but what is 2-2-2?

Hey at least its 4 games in one instead of what they did with fates.