
Petra is just the best. I love how she speaks and always correct herself. I was trying to recruit Annette during my play through but only ended up with Felix, Dorothea and Petra.

So I think I just got to the final month of the Golden Deer Route in Fire Emblem so I may beat it this weekend and will jump right into the Black Eagles storyline. In between that more Final Fantasy XIV and try out the Dragon Quest 11 demo.

Every time I saw the PS4 version on sale I would get the urge to buy it. I had to keep repeating to myself “wait for the switch version just wait” all because of the music. I wont even buy the 3DS version of DQ8 because it uses MIDI instead of the beautiful orchestral version on PS2.

oh im running to target to buy one after work for the sole purpose of keeping it my closet until it becomes worth something.

Yup in episode 69.

All the laughing he does in Super was really unsettling at some points.

Its funny that the frankenstein looking android from Dragon Ball made a cameo while we got nothing of launch since...the end of dragon ball z? I never watched GT so I dont know if she even appears in that.

So you would see your dead father beating you with a chain while your having a heart attack? Thats one hell of a side effect.

Videl and 18. 18 has at least fought a few more times.

Out of everything Super could of done, they could of did a Launch ep.

I still hate that every time there is a female fighter in dragon ball they tend to become house wives at the end of whatever arc they are in. At least 18 got to fight in the tournament.

Well another Epic Game store article. Time to grab the popcorn and read the comments.

Ya it turned out really good. Star Fighter was pretty much the only mode I was playing. Sucks though that the microtransaction over shadowed the game.

It sucks working in a jewish company that supports trump. 

I think I made the mistake of jumping right in Yakuza 0 after beating Yakuza Kiwami. I ended up getting burnt out and I had just gotten to the Majima part, which caught my attention way more then Kiryu side of the story.

If you wait for an sale you can get BF2 for less then $10. I paid like $8 for the xbox version.

Damn it I still need to beat Yakuza 0 and Kiwami 2!!!

Go into the PS+ menu and you manually download the saves.

So that explains why everyone wanted to talk to me at the start of part 2.

and his stance is stupid too. Just wanted to add that.