Live action cat people? SOLD!
Live action cat people? SOLD!
No one should be sending out any death threats at all.
I once dialed 911 and hung up before they could answer. At least 5-10 minutes later there was a cop right at my door ringing the bell to make sure everything was ok.
I knew social media was terrible...then I started a twitter and it was so much worst.
I just hate hate hate how its always dumb shit and used for everything! Video game delayed? Death threat! Voice actor may actually be a bad person? Death threats to anyone who speak against that voice actor! Tifa’s boobs? More death threats!
I know...It’s just when I’m mad at something on the internet death threats do not pop up in my mind at all. The fact that it seems to be the go to for so many is just sad and they need help.
As a man I approve this message. Boy do we suck.
“According to her most recent tweet, Cattuzzo is currently taking a break from social media and streaming, citing death threats made against her family and friends.”
Iv only played the Vita Dissidia But I loved sending people flying into pillars and following it up with a attack to there face.
I have a co worker who believes that if you take a vacation it has to be somewhere. I cant stand her whenever she opens her mouth.
Ya I know Nintendo hates to discount their games but its going to be awhile before I get it. I doubt it will be more then a $10 discount but its not a priority as Marvel Ultimate and Fire Emblem is out soon and I want those more right now.
Haha everything just comes from reddit now. I think some blogs (and websites like daily mail) just search through AskReddit all day for a quick article.
I just heard about this story due to Keanu Reeves showing up during E3. Apparently its the reason Sony doesn’t use big name actors anymore to present things.
As much as I want Mario Maker 2 its something Im going to wait on for a sale. Didnt play MM1 and I dont think I have the brain for making levels.
Oh ya and since we have no clue what exactly you can do after beating part 1 there may not even be a point to make him playable yet.
Rewatching this I think her boobs knocked her out!
Hmm Good point. I was thinking the temple of the ancients but that is like right before Aeris’s death. If it ended at the temple then the episode after would not only have Aeris’s death but it will have Cloud’s mental breakdown (using that as another cliffhanger).
Wasnt this song covered in Bayonetta?
Hahahahaha I never knew that! I always get her the minute you can so I didn’t know there would be different dialog.
This is why i’m so iffy on getting the first part when it releases. Midgar is really only like 10% of the entire game and I always felt it really opens up once you get out of Midgar and see Cloud’s version of Nibelheim. I just want to know more about whats after and I doubt we will hear anything for awhile.