
So im replaying it on the switch now but I think she should of been upfront with Cloud from the start about his mental damage. May of saved A LOT of trouble later on but I understand she was really worried about him.

Ya I honestly completely forgot about her in the CG movies.

You know I played this game and have almost no recollection of it besides Geckt as Genesis.

I really wonder how everything in the first Shinra Building visit will work. I hope they keep the option of taking the stairs just to hear Tifa and Barret make comments about it.

I wonder how they will handle Vincent’s limit breaks. I have so many questions about everything after Midgar that im really iffy on buying the game when it releases.

I think he meant when everyone leaves Midgar.

Her boobs were never a plot point in the game as far as I remember. Im replaying it right now and im near the end of what would originally be considered Disc 1 and it never came up. There is a joke about her panties during a flashback though.

I completely forgot and now I had a flashback to the Crater escape. Its when she falls down next to Barret. I’m replaying it on the switch and I didn’t notice it during the Shinra Escape.

I started seeing ads on reddit but they only say “Cloud, Arieth, Barret and Tifa”. Im kinda taking this as he wont be playable in part 1 but I dont work at Sqaure so who knows.

People heard the word “ethic committee” and freaked out. I mean TV has something like this too but in the US its called Standards and Practices. Besides she still looks like the Tifa we all know and love, just with more support. Its not like her breasts even bounced in the original or Advent Children.


The first yakuza game (not kiwami) had Mark Hamill as Goro Majima, which is funny cause I didn’t know that while playing Kiwami and thought “hmm Mark Hamill could do this part”.

I was playing Y0 and i think the side stuff distracted me enough that I got burnt out from the game, which sucks because both storylines started pulling me in!

Is minecraft story mode not on disc or is this one of those things where only ep 1 is on the disc and you have to download the rest?

Ya thats the way. Even those items use to upgrade i390 gear into i400 start going on sale for about 100 tomes. Its perfect for my healers since they are in all 390 gear.

They do but you have to manually covert them via NPC. My plan is to have 2000 poe, buy any gear I need and then covert the 4.0 tomes into poes.

Dont get me started on those damn items. I need at least 4 bolts and I cant get any rolls over 50.

yea I took alot of breaks this expansion because it kept feeling like a job. Every some FC members started getting to me to the point where I had to stop raiding.

You know I wasn’t going to reply to this but you an fucking idiot. Im 31 dipshit. I grew up with the games and anime. I woke up every day at 6am to watch the damn thing. Don’t talk like you know me asshole.

I plan to cap my tomes this week and then stop playing until early access starts. I was gearing my red mage last and now im just over the class. Plus I can only run Alphascape so many times before I want to rip my hair out.