
Ya Im not sure how Funimation re-edited the first few arcs. I think they officially took over halfway through the namek arc.

Funny thing is that in the original english cut of dragon ball z way back they cut the Launch scene out. This was way before Funimation got the US rights.

I find it so weird that people are yelling about pokemon sword/shield not having every single pokemon, meanwhile the Final Fantasy VII remake is going to be $60 ($300 if your buying the collectors edition) for what may be 10% of a story but no one is complaining. Edit: 10% of a story that Square doesn’t even know when

Im already laughing at the fact that this game will have Launch, who hasn’t even made an appearence in forever. Not even a cameo in Super.

The one thing I didnt like about 3 was the retcon to make it so that Jay and Kay had this long connection.

My co worker may have to go back to Australia due to all this.

I have seen tons of people get jobs in comics due to their fan art. So yea crediting is important.

The canvas war of 2018 took a toll on all of us.

Damn you still have a CRT tv? I need to find one so I can play Virtua cop on my Sega Saturn.

This will be my second fire emblem so im excited. Last year I picked up FE Echoes on sale and was blown away by it. 

It cracks me up everytime I see this that her dad just CHUCKS her into the demon portal.

Marvel’s Avengers looks like what happens when you make the Avengers in your backyard.

Iv been reading Nextwave so Im really happy that shes in it.

I messed around with those but kept getting confused. I wanted to keep it as simple as possible. But with new skills coming in 2 weeks I should mess around with that. Also my UI since I had to fix it when I got my PS4 Pro. Put it in the pro mode and was not ready for all that extra resolution.

I was already going to buy this but when Elsa Bloodstone appeared in the trailer I threw my wallet at my phone. Of course that didnt work so Ill preorder later or buy that nintendo online $100 coupon thing. There are ALOT of switch games coming up that are part of the deal and already planning on this and fire emblem.

Iv mostly used the tank for expert but the few times I have tanked a 8 man i just had so much anixity. Maybe I can fix that with gunblade tank.

See im the weirdo that was stressing out about DPS for the longest. With healing I have 1 simple goal: Keep people alive while not dying myself. But with DPS I feel like I have to worry about so much more. Am I doing the max amount of DPS? Did I just misclick and mess up my combo? Oh god now heres a DPS phase where am

I wish I was near my PS4 so I could just show a picture since I feel like I explained it badly. Iv spent years working on the UI and my controller layout so its all normal to me.

The game gives you tons of ways to set up the controller but the basic way is you have 16 slots all tied to L1/R2 + a direction or face button. For example I have Cure 1 set up for R2+X, while Cure 2 is R2+O.

So far from 2.0 to SB I have always leveled a Paladin only to never use it after max level. I can never figure out a PS4 cross bar that I can get comfy with. With healing Ill have one XB just for damage, one for healing, and one for LB/random cross skills. DPS is just typically one for Single target DPS and another