I know how you feel. I came back 2 weeks ago and I still haven’t jumped back into any of the alliance raids cause I have completely forgotten everything (expect the math boss...hate the math boss).
I know how you feel. I came back 2 weeks ago and I still haven’t jumped back into any of the alliance raids cause I have completely forgotten everything (expect the math boss...hate the math boss).
So whats the difference between the two? Is it just locations or is trucking in Euro different then America?
I took a screenshot of the trailer (its around 0:40). Unless Jessie isnt dying then this is a new event.
Watch it again cause it looked more like train rails then a highway. Also I think Jessie is riding with you on the back.
I want the cloud that was sharing motion sickness stories with Yuffie and trying to help her.
When watching the trailer I saw they added a new motorcycle section and...wasn’t the original one enough since it happens at such an epic point in the game?
Yes! Its proper asshole Cloud and not super emo Cloud! His such a dick at the start but I love when he opens up later on.
Honestly I just want to know whats after Midgar? Is it still open world? Do we still get to in-bred Chocobos until they have brain damage? DO WE GET TO FLY AN AIRSHIP?
I started Heart of Stone and I believe I completed 2 of the 3 task the guy gives me. But after whatever how many hows I had put into Witcher 3 I needed such a break and never came back.
Well looks like I may finally beat the expansion if its on the go. Im even willing to start over again.
Just wait until they bring back Genesis!
Yea its a fun co-op experience but thats really it. Some of the end game areas get me really angry and you can just see them making the turn into RE6.
Cough FFX Cough
So after playing it in 2015, giving up and trading it in only to come back 2 weeks ago before it was free on PS+, I have finally beaten Borderlands 2 and will start the dlc stuff this weekend. I don’t know what was wrong with 2015 steamed but this was so so much fun.
Dont forgot that heavy metal boss song!
Some of the tactics songs are burnt into my brain. The song “The pervert” is perfect for the Lucavi fights for how haunting it sounds.
This is why I will never wear a bow tie.
Way back in high school I wanted to replay this and borrowed a copy off my friend. His disc 1 was so damaged that it would freeze up at this certain point all the time. Had to use a gameshark to get a lvl 100 door key card and go into the torture area to have the game skip to disc 2.
I learned about this from the show Silicon Valley lol
Honestly all I took from this is that there is an 11 or 12 year old making way more money then I am. I made the wrong life choices.