
“Hey it worked for Hogan!”

Now im just wondering if JVDB just sits there and searches for himself on twitter.

Remember when people kept saying Smash Ultimate is just a port because they would say its using same engine? Good times lol.

I honestly like this better then “heres a game that you wont see for 3-5 years” everyone else seems to do.

It actually didnt. Uncharted 2 was the first with MP.

The ps4 version is still up.

Just look at the way movies release now. Digital releases are now first and then retail wont be for 2+ weeks if that store even gets any. Amazon wasn’t even selling US copies of of Avengers Infinity War but if you wanted it from the UK they will send that.

This is the crazier one since characters from this will be in BL3. Im sure its issues over my head but Gearbox would deff want to keep this game up.

I really try to buy hard copies for most of the things I own but then when a sale hits I give in. Like Iv been waiting to get the most recent BlazeBlue but retail copies seem to be out of print at gamestop while Amazon is selling it for $72. Meanwhile it was on sale on PSN for $15 so I ended up going with that.

So bear with me since I dont know much about business but why couldnt another company pick these up for release? Is it a rights issue where they would also need approval from the rights holder to release? It pretty bad to let these games just disappear.

I think thats why I stopped watching. Each time the guys win sometime will happen that sets them right back and it got annoying.

Eh I have the days to take off. If the servers are up and running great! If not ill just do something else.

I know your pain...I just bought it 2 weeks ago

...Son of a bitch! I just bought borderlands handsome collection two weeks ago!

You know someones going to make a macro for like flash or some tanking ability and each time it will just say “...whatever”

Im very excited to see what the new bug will be this time!

I just finished leveling a MCH and only now just getting the hang of the class. The changes do look fun and June 28th cant get here soon enough...I took off for it.

I will always hate my high school spanish teacher for drilling into my head that community college was bad. I would of saved so much money if I didnt listen to her.

I think we are connected cause this is pretty much whats on my iPhone.

I do that in iTunes. Putting in all the info and maybe even looking for a album picture.