I enjoy the dynamic with the Nancy-Jonathan team, with the clear implication that he is HER sidekick, and in fact she would be investigating whether he helps her or not, but he is welcome to help, as long as he shuts up and does what she says.
I enjoy the dynamic with the Nancy-Jonathan team, with the clear implication that he is HER sidekick, and in fact she would be investigating whether he helps her or not, but he is welcome to help, as long as he shuts up and does what she says.
I thought I was gonna get something like that one episode of Community where Abed helps deliver a baby in the background.
Holy shit! You go, Bob.
Well, let’s hope this fat Mrs. Claus-looking motherfucker is “flattered” by all the attention his dumb fucking mouth got him by revealing what a creep he is.
I hope those who voted for him who have family or friends who are addicted see this as the slap in the face that it is. My brother in law (former, my sister eventually divorced him) is an opioid addict. The problem isn’t “just say no.” It’s “take this if you want to be able to get back to work after your…
“There is is nothing desirable about drugs.”
I don’t even live in the US (yet) and I am livid. So they take away your insurance, if you can afford insurance you might still have to pay extra for birth control, sex ed is supposed to be removed from school from what I’ve heard, so women are supposed to keep their legs closed but at the same time they should cater…
What makes this epidemic different than previous ones, something that it seems our idiot president is completely oblivious to, is that the gateway for so many people to hardcore opioid addiction isn’t one day saying, “fuck yeah, give me some heroin!” It’s getting in a car wreck or tearing a knee tendon or falling off…
I thought a significant bulk of people caught up in the crisis started out taking prescribed pain killers? Are the ads going to tell people to say no to their doctors??
Ha, who am I kidding, they’re probably gonna tell kids to avoid puff offered to them by spooky bridge trolls.
I notice in his list of things he’s never done, he didn’t include “mainline speed for 36 hours straight” or “do bumps of cocaine off of Russian strippers chests”
Clearly his brother’s battle with alcohol didn’t bother Trump enough to not try and make a quick buck off of it:
Re: the pic he released: What exactly did he think she would do in a very public setting to rebuke him while she was still a young actress and he was still a very powerful player in Hollywood? Snatch her hand back? Refuse the photo? Not smile? Scream at him? C’mon man.
Daddy’s little fraud, she’s as fake as daddy’s ridiculous make-believe bio is. She is not a “businesswoman”, her daddy gave her a “company” to play with. She was never a “model”, her daddy pulled strings to help her pretend she was. She is not “poised” or “moderate”, she is actually contrived and artificial, nothing…
The Border Patrol stopped and ambulance on its way to the hospital? That is some next-level fucked up shit.
What kind of a human being can continue to be part of this organization? How unfazed by human decency? Unfazed by the line between right and wrong, good and evil, American and un-American values? When they go home at night, what must their families think of the work being done? How does this speak of us as a nation,…
I wanna see a kangaroo punch this guy’s dick off.
first off, I think he’s shouting because he’s so obviously reading it off a cue card and this is how he thinks “acting naturally” is when he’s reading from a script.
He is out of his element.
Dear dolt 45: