I remember the “Straight black men are the white men of black people” article comments getting pretty ridiculous. So pathetic.
I remember the “Straight black men are the white men of black people” article comments getting pretty ridiculous. So pathetic.
That voicemail was a very condensed version of the comment threads for that VSB article.
Holy shit that voicemail. Hotep as fuck.
Nope. Its cool as fuck. Shutting down Nazis is cooler than a young Paul Newman lighting a cigarette with a laser while he’s riding a fucking dinosaur. There is literally nothing cooler and more American than punching Nazis right in their fucking Nazi fascist cunt faces.
He only likes soldiers that don’t get killed.
In President Tangerine Serial Shit Show’s defense, what would he know about sacrifice?
It’s the implication, man. All about the implication.
I love when the person making such statements look exactly how I imagine they would.
Except you’re missing the entire point. In situations with strangers it’s easy to put your guard up and ask for help. The author did just that. Most women are raped/assaulted by men they know and trust when their guard is down. Which is a large reason why do many rapes go unreported.
And then you get the “DON’T YOU TRUST ME” screeching going on.
This is the logical fallacy of assuming most rapes are stranger rapes, most women are too wary of men to let some random catch them off guard like that. Rape is about power and control and for most rapists the level of power and control they seek would be impossible to obtain with a woman they didnt have some sort of…
If anyone understands how it is to be a poor person trying to make health insurance payments, it’s the grifter with the gold-plated toilets who’s never worked a day in his life.
When it comes to talking about sexual assault, I’ve noticed that men (in some cases, I’ve heard some things from fellow women), hold onto this notion that rapists are strangers in baklavas and holding knives. But, when I mention that all of my rapists were men that I grew up with, they consider me to be the exception.
Best of luck to Game of Thrones fans who will be forced to sit through what sounds like the most wooden and…
I am guessing you have health care. I don’t.
Next Twitter rant from Emperor von HerrClubForMenFail: he will claim to actually know he is the president of the Virgin Islands; this was just his bigliest way of referring to himself in the third person and you losers need to STOP SPREADING FAKE NEWS!
Harvey Weinstein has been a known scumbag for a good long while. I find it ridiculous to think that prominent Democrats — especially the ones he’s been close personal friends with — were somehow unaware of that fact.
So, is the toothpaste supposed to be semen? Kinda adds a whole nother layer to this fuckery
“Awarding” money to Vegas? That makes it sound like “hey you win for having the highest death count in a mass shooting this year! Congrats!”
I was thinking Louis C.K., but Meloni makes a better geezer than I had expected. It’s been a LONG time since OZ.