
Add me 2148 8232 2417

Added you nlkt. Mines 3067-5620-8506

My code is 0533-5118-6055. I'm always done to battle.

I could use some codes as well! I've beet the Elite 4 if that helps anyone. Added you Balmut.


Here's another one to add.

Added everyone here. FC is 4957-3525-6121

Added! Here's my FC: 5370-1817-3982


Friend code: 0189-8531-5562

My FC is 1650-1908-0245

I'm so in on this, adding everyone in this thread.

Adding all of you

Adding all of you. 4441-9598-2105

Mine is 0087-2532-9555.

Mos def. 1220-6778-4668

Always looking for more codes!

Yeaa buddy. Haven't beat the elite 4 yet, but soon. sooooon.