
Look, it’s an idiotic, oversimplified analogy. Can you really not see that? I can’t pretend it’s anything beyond a high school freshman’s comprehension of the world, but you seem to be expending a lot of energy protecting your fragile ego from this fact. I’m not sure why this is so difficult for you. Like I said,

“Haha you didn’t reply because you were backed into a corner!”

No, I think you’re an ignorant dipshit who isn’t worth my time. That you don’t even realize the irony of whining about oversimplification and the idiotic homeless-in-your-home analogy amuses me, but I have noticed this site is really rife with engineer’s disease afflicted half-wits. Oh well.

> It oversimplifies and treats two very very discrete things as similar.

> While this whole thing is as awful as it’s ever been, worse now really, I can’t read this statement and agree with the tone it presents.

Our spit contains our DNA primarily from white blood cells. Our sequenced DNA is the same no matter the source.

Mid-40s? So old. like I predicted: an old white man. haha you lying sack of shit. I’m bored with your garbage life. Byeeeeee!

Indeed. I gotta say, you’ve written a couple racist things on old articles for a non-white guy. lol lying sack of shit. Later.

We’re not. I could never be friends with someone who drives a Mustang. Vomit.

Haha you lying sack of shit. You’re not an old white man? Prove it.

“Darling”? Vomit. Ah, the unearned confidence of ignorant old white men.

Not really. I didn’t even bother to read your last post with all the capitalized words. Didn’t miss anything important.

You seem to think I ordered more mansplain’. Yeah, no. Like I said: your opinion doesn’t matter. No one cares.

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. The important thing is the wage gap. No one gives a shit about your stupid thoughts on how to debate. NO ONE. Your opinion doesn’t matter. I know you’re baffled and butthurt at this turn of events, but just sit your ignorant, uneducated ass down and listen to the people talking about the real

OF COURSE you’re a Trump supporter. Of course you are.

> or maybe you’re just a bit dense.

> or maybe you’re just a bit dense.

k. Bye!

> Reason with people - especially the ones who are willing to be reasoned with.

So? It’s their site. If you come into my house and shit on my rug, I’m going to throw you out too. Don’t like it? Go start your own blog.