Men calling female actresses “obsessed” for thinking about what the industry actually says is the definition of projection and gaslighting.
Men calling female actresses “obsessed” for thinking about what the industry actually says is the definition of projection and gaslighting.
The question, though, is whether there are better arguments to make for abortion than, “It’s a right.” And I think there are. Because I don’t think that rights discourses hold much water.
But Ginsberg herself has said that that decision is, in her opinion, was not adequate. She wished that a series of court decisions, affirming abortion as an essentially defensible, and preferable action has taken place before Roe v. Wade.
You’re going to get slammed for your comment, but you’re correct. A discourse of rights isn’t adequate for communicating why abortion is necessary or good. As you say: What are rights? Well, human rights, inalienable rights, these supposedly modern concepts, are actually updated versions of mystical concepts that date…