
GPS would have been nice but added way too much to the price.

I went into an Apple store last month and tried to play with the iPad. Out of the six on display on the table that I was at 3 of them were frozen. Once again I find myself realizing that Apple products aren't all that.

What a D Nozzle!

The amazing thing is that people are still surprised by moves like this from Apple. Well, that and there are still people that will buy this phone.

Question for everybody, have you read the app submission agreement? Thanks to NASA I have. This comes as no surprise.

I called BS on this story early on and I was right. Great to see the tech community turning into a bunch of knee jerk reactionaries like every other group around today.

What about the part that says " Google and Verizon's agreement would prevent Verizon from offering paid prioritization to the biggest bidders of capacity on its DSL and fiber betworks". It sound like the opposite of what your saying. So it sounds like Googs is paying for net neutrality by itself instead of waiting

@OrtizDupri: facebook on Android is changing as we type. I have to admit that I'm skipping FB but I have my sons account on my phone so I can check up on him. It should get better. I would agree that nothing beats a bb keyboard. Not even the iPhone keyboard or Swype. As for messaging with Android I think it will get

If you're still using a BB then you either have to because of your job or you just plain don't care about the latest and greatest phone OS or hardware. That being said, I think this is a step in the right direction for Blackberry. I use Android so therefore I won't be an iHole and put down every phone that isn't

Looks nice and a step in the right direction. I use Android so I'm not going to be an iHole and put it down because it isn't my phone. More competition is a good thing in my book.

The frustration factor plays into this. Not everybody lives in NYC or Philadelphia. But take a look at AT&T’s 3G map. Yes they are very fast when you’re in a big city but more bars in more places does not equal fast in the middle of Iowa or upstate New York (I use those areas without zooming in on AT&T’s 3G map, so

As someone else has posted, a thumbs up and thumbs down button would take care of the LOL and various "I agree with what you are saying and wish I was as witty as you" comments.

Please keep this phone of the Verizon network. We are enjoying perfect coverage without the iHoles clogging things up, having problems with their phones and then blamming it on the network.

I think he was talking directly to Henk. He does say "If you can afford it". I love Woz as much as I hate Apple. He gets a free pass like your grandfather would get if he busted out a sexist remark.

@JakeMG: I would never buy any phone without seeing it in person and putting it into my pocket. I love Android but this phone sounds ginormis.

@atrus123: I think you can. How did you come up with your answer?

Was it "Just a phone" when he had the police kick in someones door because they had pictures of the thing? Once again we are asked to PNAMBC. I got rid of a iPhone 3G for an Android phone because Android phones have this neat feature. That feature is... YOU CAN MAKE PHONE CALLS ON THEM!

@davekaybsc: You say "this article" is misinformed but then you end up agreeing that if we had one standard we wouldn't have these problems. So what you're saying is if this phone did that and that phone did this it would be a perfect world. You say it's only a problem with VZW and Srint but you're talking about the

Those that defend the practices of the big 4 are those that have vested interest in them. Everything in this article is correct. Try and change anything and you will be called a leftist who is trying to bring down major corporations to end capitalism in this country.