James Glover

That's right. Think of all the times he suggested they send someone on a holiday to Belize, even when they were a problem and it would have been easier to just kill them. He's always thinking of the other guy.

You think Don Hector has insurance? I would think his goons would just kidnap a heart surgeon and his family, force him to operate and then shoot them all and bury them in the desert. Think how much he'd save on premiums.

You could do what I do which is avoid trying to predict where the show is going, either the episode you are watching or the entire series, and just enjoy the ride. There is way too much discussion on fan forums of people trying to predict the endings, like it is a competition or the point of watching. It spoiled

Just don't let them watch The Plan first.

People always bring up Deadwood but I hate Westerns. I hated "The Cisco Kid" as a kid "Oh Cisco. Oh Poncho. Oh fuck off both of you and dance together to a mariachi band". It's all I can do to watch Westworld and Wynonna Earp.

Sorry for your loss Jimmy. But hey, don't you stand to inherit a good chunk of Chuck's $9m. Or maybe he died before he officially resigned so turns out they don't owe him anything at all.

Agreed, its not even the best season of that show, that would be season 2 in my opinion. But season 5 was a bust for me. I've never even finished it and it is one of my favourite programs.

So was Media (I think they missed a chance to not have her name pronounced like "Medea") channeling Judy Garland in Easter Parade?

The first season The Wire is unsurpassed in my opinion.

I watched '33' about 5 times because I couldn't work out what had happened before and how they had just dropped us in the middle of all these people and story. Then I found out there was a mini series before so I watched that and it all made sense.


Funny, that is exactly how I thought about American Gods. I forced myself to watch till episode 4 when it got a lot better and stopped with the pyrotechnics and stylized violence and told us more about the characters.

I guess that means somewhat sadly that there is a whole generation of people watching tv now who never watched Battlestar Galactica 2.0.

To be honest I give every episode of this show an "A" just for Tatiana Maslany's incredible acting. It is a showcase of a unique actor's work. I assume even other great actors like Elisabeth Moss are in awe of what she required to do each episode. Seriously, who else has even done anything even close to this?

Robyn Wright and Kevin Spacey are great actors but this season of House of Cards is a solid B. Maybe a B+ on a good day. It has hit late series Scandal lows.

Actually I thought the license plate reveal was a bit of a stretch. Great for the viewer to know she had possibly made it to Canada but I was also worried maybe she hadn't and it was a US car with the wrong plate and she was going to be dragged screaming away or set upon by dogs. Not sure I could take Samira Wiley

Given Warren moved a bit I was half expecting they would do it without general anesthesia because, you know, that wasn't available in oldey Biblical times. As it was I quickly fast forwarded it. Because I have empathy. Not sure what all the people who watched it have though.

Apparently in some Muslim countries where judicial amputation is practiced, for example amputating the hand of a thief, they are indeed done by trained surgeons. If they don't do it then their families are at risk. Thank God we never have anything to do with such countries or allow our President to visit them.

While reading those letters was poignant and the idea of getting their stories out to the outside world powerful I think by now the way society, and handmaids, are run in Gilead would have become well known from escapees like Moira (surely she isn't the first handmaiden to have made it to Canada?).

Blonde Aussie chicks. It's so easy to get them mixed up. I'm sure Rachael Taylor is pissed you didn't think it was her.