
I was getting a Breakfast at Tiffany's vibe, what with the cat and all. Do you know Tiffany's doesn't even serve breakfast anymore? It's a jewellery store now. That might be important later.

Far be it for Aaron Sorkin to have a character under 30 who argues against the worst excesses of new media. I mean it's all inevitable, right, that we will have a dedicated "Danny Glover's stalkers" channel.

It's always ironic when people complain about a show lacking the cliches: season arc, protagonist/antagonist, anti-hero, mcguffin etc. Why oh why can't shows be more original, they seem to wail, while being just like everything else.

Wow - those Dune prequels were seriously bad. And come to think of it so is The Strain. Well spotted.

In case it isn't obvious the name "Guilty Remnant" literally means the ones remaining who are guilty for making the others disappear. The Reverend Jamison points out that many of the disappeared are bad people which is what you'd expect for people who someone, somewhere wants to disappear.

I really hope you get a different reviewer for next season. Sonja just isn't right for the fan base of this brilliant show. She mentioned a minor film "The Fault in Their Stars" in three reviews. Totally irrelevant and annoying. I am sure she will be happy to be freed to pursue other opportunities.

It seems that some (most) people still didn't pick up all the clues in the flashback episode that tell you *exactly* what happened, if not exactly why, and who the Guilt Remnant are. So let's begin:
1. at the moment of disappearance a number of people (say1% of the population) were thinking: "I wish that person/those