
Not to mention its just the handle, right? That part is pretty safe.

Am I the only one having trouble seeing her sword? It looks like she is holding a fairly elegant dildo. My point is that background is important in photo composition.

I still don’t get the whole we have too many hits and we should be canceling more stuff.

Yeah, right...

Small penises are the lone subjects of still acceptable body shame. Reminder, boys and young men, no matter what you do in your life, your sexual (and societal) value will always be inextricably linked to a part of your body few see but is constantly judged.

I have a warning about befriending Muslims around Ramadan. Last time I did it was with some tenants I had. Late one day, one of them came running to my office in a panic saying there was a leak in his apartment and everything was getting soaked. I raced over there with my giant wrench to turn off the water and found

Try the books. “Good but glacial” is a pretty good description.

Rows and flows of flaming hair
And nuclear constructions in the air
And rearranged molecules everywhere
I’ve looked at Firestorm that way

Don’t smile. If anyone ever decides it’s worth the time to go after the minor players, Macs will fall just as quickly. The only reason Macs aren’t targeted is because they aren’t popular enough. Be fearful if someone decides to go after Macs, because you idiots will fall for this in a larger percentage, and are dumb

You’ve been smiling at security through obscurity, which is really no security atall.

If MacOS was as widespread as out-of-date versions of Windows, there’d be more people looking for vulnerabilities. It’s not that MacOS is better, there’s just more money in trying to hack Windows, which is why we see more attacks on that platform.
Just pray that MacOS never becomes popular for large companies :)

I’ve been smiling at my and my families fully updated PC’s too. Honestly anyone who doesn’t update within a reasonable time of patches being released is asking for trouble.

Are they bringing in Schumacher to replace Affleck as director?

somebodys got a case of the mondayysss

Plus it’s fashionable to bag on it, so a lot of people who probably weren’t even BORN back then are trashing it. When this sucker came out, it was huge- nowadays the “found footage” genre is oversaturated, but back in the day this was a big deal.

Yeah, there’s a lot of hate for a creative, original and effective movie filmed on a shoestring budget. It was good, and the final scene made sense and worked.

I liked this movie. I still do.

I agree that King stands out the most with his short fiction- argh, now I have to go back and re-read both of them!!

Who’s disappointed that Captain Cold wasn’t voiced by Wentworth Miller?

This is profoundly stupid. Gibson wasn’t prophetic? You mean, other than doing stuff like, i dont know....predicting/naming the Internet?