Things are getting hairy for the Brazilian Grand Prix.
Things are getting hairy for the Brazilian Grand Prix.
Here's the scientific explanation: A lot of extra heat is produced by the scrotum periodically smacking against the thighs; this heat is carried by blood vessels into the man's core in order to keep him warmer while hunting. Women should be warm enough already because of all the babies they have strapped to them.
Or "One lump or two?"
It's a boxing game, dude. You're breaking the rules. And by the look of that hit counter going beserk in slow-mo, you're breaking the game as well.
Wasn't there a Jalop article about not speeding in Virginia?
Raiders fans are also excited because their city finally has a decent wide receiver.
Germans tend to be, well, Grammar Something-somethings.
I wish they had a camera on Farrell for that part. "No, dammit, his neck. CHECK HIS NECK."
He's going to rebuild his house, brick by brick.
Plus, it's got what plants crave.
I don't know what else the Russians could have expected when they built the hotels out of straw and sticks.
You know what makes all those dunks and crossovers and alley-oops even better?
Remember the "Cum for Bigfoot" series we talked about a couple of weeks ago? Or is it more accurate to ask,…
And of course, he just scored the game-winning goal in overtime.
"This rapper boasted he was 'Ready to Die'...