
It’s like why vanilla is the most popular ice cream, all the other votes are split between all the other interesting flavors.

I’d argue that the the only reason 28 of the 50 biggest busts and 5 out of 10 were white because the list is heavily skewed towards quarterbacks who have traditionally white. However, that fact is problematic in its own way...

Eh, Kim doesn’t really have any talent though. Jessica was at least a proficient singer and actor. You can debate her talent but she at least accomplished those things. As you said, she has had a successful fashion line since 2005 that’s netted over a billion dollars. To have a fashion line that’s stayed relevant that

“rampant instances” involving parents mistakenly enrolling their child in the Boy Scouts when they intended to enroll them in Girl Scouts instead

As far as I’m concerned Business School Majors can kiss my ass, as far I know, the Business school at Penn State (where I got my engineering degree) didn’t schedule any classes on Fridays, so all the business majors had very few Friday classes.

Assuming that this Sigma Phi Epsilon has branches on several campuses, why don’t they just use *insert school name* Sigma Phi Epsilon.  These frat guys don’t have two brain cells to run together between them.

Sad but true. Since the beginning of man, people are naturally prejudiced against those different than themselves, but it’s up to us to overwrite those thought patterns, and recognize that there are always going to be good people and bad people in every race and culture. That no race or ethnicity is better than

I am astounded (not really) that I live in Pennsylvania and I see confederate flags around. So let me get this straight, 1.) your state was in the Union, 2.) you have no confederate ancestors (not that should matter), and 3.) you didn’t grow up in the south (so you can’t claim southern heritage); so you *want* to be

Yup. Racists are everywhere. I am astounded (not really) that I live in Pennsylvania and I see confederate flags around. So let me get this straight, 1.) your state was in the Union, 2.) you have no confederate ancestors (not that should matter), and 3.) you didn’t grow up in the south (so you can’t claim southern

I disagree with the assessment that black quarterbacks are at a disadvantage in today’s NFL. Three years ago? Maybe. 15 years ago, absolutely! As an Eagles fan, I saw the unfair criticism leveled at him before he was drafted, during his playing days, and ten years after he left the team! The success of Maholmes and

Ron Rivera was okay with Cam Newtons wild outfits, celebrations, and other antics, because at the end of the day he knew that those didn’t matter when Cam was fully invested in winning. He isn’t one of those, “my way or the highway” no personality allowed coaches. So it’s not that he’s just out of touch and Dwayne is

He is better than most of the QB’s in the NFL”

Or you’re forced to use the internet at 2001 dial-up speeds.  Good luck jerking off to grainy photos!

Yeah, of all people, Haddish, does not need “exposure.” I’m sure she gets tons of well paying movies, events, etc. She’s a hot commodity; honestly I’m even surprised they asked her to do something pro bono. I would have assumed she would have said “no” from the beginning.

Picking only the highest numbers doesn’t make sense.

This is true. If you just pick the top X number of streamers, they are going to be almost all English speaking white males with audiences who overlap. So you are wasting money advertising to the same audience multiple times. If you want to reach all audiences (English, French, and Spanish speakers; whites, blacks,

Yup, correlation does not equal causation.  

H-D is still in business

Riiiiiight...because it isn’t the “pay” drivers that aren’t the problem *sarcasm*

Does anyone think she is “great” at business? I think the vast majority of people recognize that her success is entirely attributable to her (relative) attractiveness, being in the public eye, not fucking up, and being “born on third base.” Take any of the above away and she lives in relative obscurity.