
Agree, but he’s at least better than Beyonce. Biebs’ new album is actually pretty good. Got a reggae vibe. Not bad.

Let me guess, you are five foot nothing and weigh nearly 200lbs. Broken face, cold and miserable heart. Hillary voter. Am I close?

Hey that’s cool I didn’t know that.

Electromagnetic Pulses

Sorry. Don’t remember you at all. Anyway, hope all is well with you.

She’s right. Hate speech and freedom of speech are two different things.

I didn’t realize you were severely impaired in the brain. I’m sorry - I never want to belittle a person whose brain doesn’t work and, hey, it’s not your fault. You are who you are, you are all that you can be. It’s ok.

My strategy doesn’t involve raining bombs on innocent civilians. Good guys don’t do that. Maybe this is confusing to some. Must be.

God what the hell is this about? I didn’t ask for ten thousand words on whatever this is. I’m just saying that Obama kills thousand of civilians per year. Obviously, some people don’t like this and retaliate.

Obama foreign policy in action.

This is what Hillary Voters are concerned with? Floating shit in pool? Makes sense I guess. Describes her candidacy perfectly.

Looks like tunnel vision. He and Trump can both see victory from here. They’ve been able to see victory since Hillary was declared the nominee.

A dangerous ticket that is guaranteed to win because the DNC cheated for Hillary and made her the nominee against the wishes of the people.

Not voting for Wall Street and the 1%. What don’t you understand about that?

Bill and Hillary locked up more black people than anyone else in history.

LOL - spotted the CTR troll. “Let’s just go ahead and vote for Wall Street and the 1%”

Those numbers have already been debunked. The lie depends on people like you and your vast trust for proven liars.

Nope. She and the DNC cheated and lied. This has been proven many times already. The mainstream media won’t report on it but you can find it all over the internet.

Wow. So delusional. He’s killing her in all the swing states he needs.

This isn’t hard. Bernie would destroy Trump in the general. Hillary won’t.