
I’m not going to hate on him waiting to speak about racial bias he has faced anymore than I would hate on a woman taking a while to report sexual harassment. This is the fault of the perpetrators. Not the victims.

I love this so much. The interview galvanized my motivation! I hope that I can be even a fraction as badass as Maxine Waters.

You should take a statistics class at your local community college. It’s a good way to learn that one incident doesn’t determine an entire trend or have the ability to give credibility to future predictions using accumulated data. Murder is normally a personal crime, committed by someone known to the victim. Being

I live in Southern California, fourth generation and descended from a Mexican immigrant who came here pre-WWI. We helped make Los Angeles into the vibrant epicenter of culture and diversity that it is today. And I guarantee you it’s a far better place with far better opportunities than whatever shithole your racist,

“As good fortune would have it, we had a bodyguard that summer,” she writes. They persuaded their bodyguard to buy lemonade, and then their driver, and then the maids, who “dug deep for their spare change.” The lesson, she says, is that the kids “made the best of a bad situation.”

Full disclosure: I worked on a project for a co partially owned by Bain. They are not known for being hands-off.

But to say that only black women should use certain products, and only white women should use other products, is not helping us understand each other better.

Like I said, you don’t get it. It’s the ERASURE of the black phenotype of 4C hair, the bread and butter of the business, and the implementation of colorism (look it up if you don’t know what that is).

No offense, but you don’t know WTF this argument is about. White women have always been able to use whatever product they want. The issue is this particular company wouldn’t exist today without massive support of unmixed black women with nappy hair. Like, high multi-millions of revenue because nobody else cared to

Here are the major classifications of non-straight hair.

As a liberal who lives in a small city in bible belt Central TX for graduate school, especially as a queer POC, it is misery out here. It’s lonely, so many people have a chip on their shoulder and want to show you that they’re superior. I just go along with it because if I don’t I’ll waste my time. Also, there are

wait so you’re mad at young people moving to liberal cities where there are jobs, activities, people, art, and human decency?

New life, who dis?

And when they get on, they leave your ass for a White girl.” 

Wait, can we at least agree that the Jews are the chosen people? Because I’m really counting on that being legit and I’m sure a lot of kids I went to middle school with will have something to say to me if this proves false.

“This is a loser for the school district,” Charles C. Haynes of Washington DC’s Newseum tells the Post. “It’s difficult to satisfy the First Amendment in elementary school when it comes to the Bible. Students at that age really aren’t prepared to tell the difference between what is history and what is religious

So, I’m white and I was wondering if someone could help me make this all about me.

Go back to Breitbart, you Neoliberal, Alt Right Nazi.

“I mean, sure that young black woman thought that she was expressing something? But it turns out I actually needed to ‘find’ it and express it. Again. For the community. The community ID.

Wow, what a useless wasted jagoff.