
He doesn't sound like Staley, more like Chris Cornell. Also, he rarely sings lead on the last 2 records. If you've seen them live, he sings lead on most of the old stuff.

How does one really know about Layne's influence?  Is a vocal line the
same as the rest of the music?  What about the back and forth critique
between Jerry and Layne?  There's such a thing as a powerful minority
vote which is what he appears to have been.  It's hard to know about
William Duvall's voice in AIC because

Comment deleted.

Does it really take away from Jerry Cantrell to praise
Layne Staley? Saw AIC with William Duvall twice, and Duvall is good, but no Staley. Then again, who is? The range of Staley's voice was incredible. Duvall sounds like a rather mild Chris Cornell. Nothing against him, he sounds good, but they do not sound